I really like this album. This is my first time listening to Cruiserweight, and it's really upbeat and happy. I gotta say, it's hard to get into the right mindset for mopey ramblings with catchy tunes like these.
Second night and I'm already wanting to skip. That's staying power right there. God, I'm sleepy. I should really start typing these earlier at night. Course, tonight I was taking care of more pressing matters. Fortunately, we managed to get my laptop to connect to our big screen and play AMVs okay. There shouldn't be any problems with the showing on friday, tech-wise. On top of that, I've only got ten videos left in my Unsorted folder. I can take care of those during breakfast tomorrow, so that portion of the preparations should be done pretty quick too. Which reminds me, I should call Danny again to check see if he's in. Maybe double check with Colt too.
I finally finished off the giant pile of laundry I had from Chicago today. It feels good to not have a giant pile of clothes overflowing of the box at the foot of my bed. Next I just gotta tackle the mess of junk on my desk. Especially those friggin hangers. I know it saves my closet from getting cluttered by pulling out the empty hangers, but tossing them on the desk doesn't solve anything. It's quick though, which is obviously why it's happening. Heh, look at me talking like it's someone else putting them there. Of course it's obvious why it's happening; I'm the one doing it. I know my reasons for putting hangers on desks. Same reason I do most things. It's easy as hell, and I don't have to think about consequences until it's too late to change what I did. Except in this case the consequence is just me changing what I did, so it's kind of a weird analogy. Whatever.
I gassed up my truck today, and it nearly cost frickin $120. That was with a 25 cents off per gallon discount too. Oh, and I found out what the sign means when it says "Do Not Top Off". Apparently I had more gas left in the tank than I thought, or the meter was saying I had pumped less than I had, because as I was squeezing a little bit more gas into my front tank, I got splashed from behind. Fortunately it didn't leave much of a mark, and nothing ignited, but boy howdy did I feel embarrassed. Nobody said anything though, so it must have happened a lot faster and quieter than I imagined.
I don't remember whether it was the 'get to know you' meme or last night's post when I mentioned applying for that promotion at work, but I probably don't need to worry about them denying me because of a lack of credits solicited. I apparently got the third most in the store last week, and both of the people who got more than me have pretty much the same job as I do. None of the people currently working in the position I'm applying for got all that many credits last week at all. I think the most any of them got was 4, and I can definitely make 4 credits in a week probably. Anyway, the posting supposedly closed tonight, so they'll probably interview me sometime within the next few days. I wonder if anyone else even applied. (ying)
Speaking of work, despite having worked there for almost a year now (one year mark hits in just over two weeks), I still have yet to receive my shiny bronze-tone name badge that says I've been with Kohl's for six months. Even some of my coworkers who started months after I did have theirs, and I'm still waiting for mine. Apparently they thought I quit last year when school started, so they took my name off the list of people to get the badges. As point of fact, I was going to quit, but Fawn (the previous store manager) talked me into just working on the weekends, so I stayed. I've been repeatedly asking my managers about the badge since January, when I was supposed to have gotten it, but there hasn't been much progress still. When I got back from Chicago last month and it still wasn't here, I was pretty upset. I talked to Kathy about it (AGAIN) the following week and she said she had ordered it with the manager badges the week before. This was almost a month ago. I was planning on talking to her about it Monday, but she wasn't there, so tomorrow's gonna be my only decent chance this week, since I don't start until 6pm on Thursday, and I have Friday off. She doesn't work weekends, and she's scheduled to be off tomorrow right when I'm scheduled to start. Gotta remember to show up a bit earlier than usual tomorrow so I can catch her. Find out how long the badges usually take to ship.
Hmm, been writing for about an hour, got a few decent paragraphs for the night. Swept through the album three or four times, I suppose I'll call it a night. This happy music bit really did a number on my usual nighttime mood. That's good to know. Whelp, see ya tomorrow, LJ.