Oct 05, 2008 21:51
So after a rough week ... a long week...in which I damaged my hand as well as the added stress this week brought... pity party or partly due to timing and hormones I just exploded this week....overflowed with emotions and everyone getting on my last nerves...I let everyone have it Friday... and I felt better for it... the more I got it out the better I felt...lol!!! Josh who is yet to marry either was completely taken back by my episode or he will gain great lessons in leaving well enough alone!!! (he assured me he had seen this display before no worries...lol!)
But I also think the mean one was after me...it was projected to be a great weekend... lots of love, family , and opportunities to reach out to others...and that always lends an open door for the devil to slide in and play the create chaos card... well ... I only let him for a moment...the rest of the weekend went so well... we hit the dirty south for some good cooking from my wonderful mother-in-law and a day full of football and fun... then on to Sunday morning a time of worship - a time to give my thoughts my worries -- my week to God... and what a wonderful day it was...we were invited by our dear friends and Mark's college roommate to minister to his church family... Can I say I never know what Mark has up his sleeve or what he will speak on... usually if I ask he says, "your mama!!" So I stop asking... so we get to church this morning and worship was sweet ... our three little ones stayed in service during this time and this was a first for them...Cole loved it... he did wonderful during worship and even reached for a hymnal when it was time to sing certain songs... it was precious!!! Eli choose to sit on the front pew as mark spoke and he absorbed every word... Mark spoke on our Attitudes... and one point that stuck out to me is our choice in the matter -- we can either pollute ourselves and others around us with a bad attitude or outlook or we can purify each other and ourselves... Today Matters... every day matters... we either live on purpose or we miss the mark and waste use of a good day... so I struggle with Attitude... I have to be honest and say that at times I pollute the situations and I have to watch myself or it is easy to get bitter not better...but what an encouragement to others if we demonstrate restraint when others loose it or we use a filter and keep those things that hurt and damage others to ourselves and not share them so freely ... "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life,
but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit."
I pray this word will settle in my heart and I will pray that I will be the one to bring life -- seek the positive in my every day - I pray for patience for compassion... that in each situation I will seek to find a way to bring out the best in others as well as in my own heart... I know that life can serve lemons and we have make it into lemonade --- only we can do that for our own lives no one can do that for us... we have to know that each morning we will wake up and face new challenges but we also face new opportunities... we can either make it or break it!!! I think about this with every area of my life... with my relationships...I can always stand for improvement... with Mark -- with the kids...with our families... with those I work and play with ...with those whom just happen to cross my path... it is my choice to bring light and life!!! So I was blessed today by my husbands faithfulness to speak what God had laid on his heart... we all have struggles we all have our Fridays where we explode...but we have to pull it back together and focus on our today and make the most of them... soo just thought I would share ...encourage and say pray for me and I will pray for you... laugh --live -- love -- right Holly!!! You never know what or who you might help by just changing your attitude or outlook on things... HAVE A GREAT WEEK MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS ...MUCH LOVE!!!