Mar 11, 2011 09:50
1. We were supposed to be under four feet of water last night, something which all the weather reports, the firemen who knocked on our door, and the flood gauge for the area pretty much promised unequivocally. So, we spent all night trying to get everything upstairs, and save the washer and dryer, and we set up a night watch to watch to tell us when we need to star evacuating.
It's not like I'm not grateful that it stopped raining... but my apartment is a mess, and my washer and dryer are at a friend's house... for NOTHING.
2. Never trust a google translator. Sometimes I write my facebook status updates, which means that most of my friends use a translator to figure out what I said. In this case, it went horribly, HORRIBLY wrong.
Original: 藤井フミヤさんの赤ちゃん欲しい!!!きゃ〜〜〜〜あ!
Translated by Google as: Fumiya Fujii want baby! ! ! ~ ~ ~ Oh bloody murder!
What it should have been translated as: I want Fuji Fumiya's babies! :insert fangirl scream:
The best response to this status was "FUMIYA FUJII WANT BABY!!! FUMIYA FUJII HUNGERS!!!", to which I had to LOLZ about for a bit to.