You and I will rise up all the way

Mar 19, 2018 14:43

I frequently find my posts depressing [and therefore often do not post], so here's something positive for posterity: Had a really great mental health day Saturday and today. Also segued it into really productive days.
Had positive feelings and personal hopefulness, and kept it going. Was able to also move on some goals, including setting up a very half-arsed and temporary standing desk situation, being far more active throughout the day, getting some good headway on decluttering [on my to do list for months], and not eating mindlessly/as comfort.
Did not hit sleep goals, which lead to some oversleeping, but I think that can be corrected, and had been a pattern for awhile, so not one that is reversed quite so quickly.
This might be related to a convergence of factors including but not limited to: Spring energy, looking forward to planned events/adventures, enjoying previous events/adventures recently, a better point in my hormone cycle, for the last couple weeks drinking over a gallon of water a day, cutting back on alcohol for the last month at least, finding out a couple books I wanted to read were released, my keyboardio actually arriving, paying very close attention to my immune system/body/stress levels for the last few months and avoiding catching anything people around me had [at the expense of productivity, good, I think], I also got a salt lamp for a corner of the room Im often in [no idea if that actually helped any or if I believe in such, but it is really pretty! had hoped it would go in the bedroom, but then found it wants to be on 24/7 especially in a moisture heavy space (and we now have a humidifier next to the bed)] etc.
But whatever the reasons, I am thrilled to be feeling happy/upbeat in a general way and not only about specific things, and am going to try to keep it going for as long as I can [while also trying to not beat myself up too much about less than great days like Sunday (which was still pretty good! only in comparison to Saturday was it lesser)].
Still think a treadmill desk situation would be helpful for me, but Mark's is not sized properly for the area I want to exist in...and I keep hoping he'll go back to using it, as I think it was helpful for him as well (but due to how his office floor boards work, it shakes his monitor in his office, and so he has been avoiding it). In the years since I last looked at them, maybe a small yet still good quality one exists in a good price range now...might try to make time to look into it next month.

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hope, depression, emotions, health, energy, body, notestoself, introspective

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