Don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere

Feb 15, 2017 19:31

So we've made the decision [after years of pondering] to rent an apartment in the Baltimore area [likely not Baltimore proper for a bunch of different reasons (rental costs, water utility costs, need for more green space, concerns about light/noise pollution, etc. just to name a few)]. It's scary in some ways, especially financially, but I think we're making a solid choice. It's not Vancouver, although that's not off the table completely for the future, and figuring out a lot with this smaller move first makes some sense.
We'll keep Hillside House, and come back to visit our loved ones on weekends when they have time to hang out, and maybe can slowly figure out how to repair Hillside House with an eye to renting it out, either as a weekend place or full time. We'll see how that goes. It's not an ideal house in any renting it might be problematic.
But I also have a lot of hope and positive energy regarding the move. There are so many things I'd like to do that this town just doesn't offer.
Downsizing to a small apartment [we can't really afford much large] is a bit terrifying however! But I'm positive in the long run that part will be great for us.

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change, hope, journal, mood, home, life

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