Praying to the light machine

Feb 08, 2017 10:08

And so now I'm sick. Which is likely partly my fault for pushing myself too hard Sunday and Monday [oh but it was so good]. If it's what Mark experienced last week, it is mild and will pass super soon, but still be enough to fuck up my plans for this week. Having to cancel things, and my to do list is very sad right now. And with the snow tomorrow, unlikely to make it out to the protest. *grump grump* Though it's quite possible some of my mood issues/energy issues/extra depression was my body fighting this off/becoming sick, which is good to know at least.
Also was reminded yesterday how much I love studying languages, Chinese in particular, but perhaps only because I have a strong foundation in it, and it's full of memories for me. Really need to prioritize such more, if for nothing else than the good mood chemicals.

Edit: 2/15: still not perfect, growl. which means it stayed with me a lot longer than Mark, grr. but...i also did not spend any days in bed the way he did [really could not bring myself to], and in fact did not get a full night's sleep until last night for weeks, so..insomnia likely played a part in my delayed recovery. still never had horrid symptoms, just enough to suck. finally broke down and bought a knock off nyquil yesterday, which while not perfect, might have helped me get that full night's sleep, so....there's that data point at least.

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sick, depression, mood, language, study, body, notestoself, thoughts

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