Coughed and shook his wings, closed his eyes, and moved his lips

Feb 03, 2017 09:58

I am full of unreasoning anger today. Not sure what is up with it; but making a note for future me's reference. Hormonal cycle has been different for the last few months...
Power was off all night; woke up 645am just before alarm went off; thought nothing of house being 50, as we keep the heat off during the night anyhow, until bathroom light would not switch on. Power not restored until 940 or so [I went to the gym, but had to be home about that time for mark to grab car and go get allergy shot]. Stupidly/focusedly forgot the last half of my pre workout, and so chugged it before leaving gym at 915. The surge of caffeine after I'd already finished working out might contribute to emotions? Or at least the intensity of it?

Ran into Joyce at the gym. they are considering fleeing to Costa Rica...

oooo and i just poured recently boiling tea all over my left hand. fantastic. go go sudocrem burn cream. sigh.

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energy, notestoself, journal, emotions, day to day, rural life

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