zane, zane, zane/Ouvre le chien

Feb 01, 2017 10:11

just finished deconstructing [after roasting last night] a local chicken for meals this week. washed my hands five times, still feel gross [i did as much as i could with forks and knives, but ultimately had to just use hands to get most meat off bones and skin for stock making]. i for one welcome vat meat. [i love being able to help support local homesteaders by buying their excess chickens. i do not love dealing with whole animals, at all, ugh]


meals will be extra yummy this week though i am sure :P

there has been a small thought brought up by mark of possibly moving to vancouver. it is not a good idea for us financially, or socially, but it's at least some sort of option. sigh. i would likely go back to school and get a degree if i moved to a real city.
i love my people; i am very tired of living somewhere where people feel confident enough about local agreement to spew horrid thoughts however. i did not kill anyone in my doctor's ridiculously tiny waiting room yesterday. i wanted to, which is not good for me on many levels.

and now for a large quantity of tea.

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journal, depression, day to day, food

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