Better take care of me/Again and again

Sep 20, 2016 21:26

Got results back from titers test; still have antibodies for polio and MMR. That's the good news. Still leaves 5 vaccines needed, at least one has 3 shots in it...hoping I have time for it. But will do what I can.

Separately went and got allergy tested today, which was interesting. They did a pokey test and an actual injection set of testing. I am most allergic to dust mites, various grasses, various trees, various weeds, bugs, and mold. Good times. Gonna begin allergy shots, which have been quite helpful for Mark, next week. Not looking forward to weekly huge injections, but very much looking forward to less inflammation. And eventually it will go down to monthly, though not for awhile.

new exercise regime still interesting, despite waking up [after 3 days of rest no less] with intense neck pain yesterday morning (its mostly gone). the diet and i will just not get into sync, but i think close enough covers it.

was reminded i had not looked at webcomics in over a year. Will start slowly to fix that, methinks ;)

gladgame: still enjoying my tattoo; happy to have a delicious brand of protein powder (versus the awful ones i also have and intersperse ;) ); very happy it's fall--woke up to an incredible misty foggy mountain view, complete with hundreds of various spider webs glowing with dew and early morning light (most in the grasses, but some up in trees and bushes)

happy solstice

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gladgame, exercise, journal, health

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