Had a full day today; went to see First Lady Michelle Obama {<3<3<3<3} speak. She is a fantastic speaker [and indeed everything I know of her says she is fantastic period and I am very glad she exists].
At one point she mentioned how she is full of hope, often meeting people who are open minded, curious, willing to listen in all ends of the political spectrum.
Welp. That's an awesome world to live in. Too bad that's not how things seem to actually be going in reality; a reality dealt by people who have real power.
Yeah. I'm not seeing any hope.
But I suppose I am also right at the point of my hormonal cycle where I am very emotional...current, cynical brain says that just means I am less successful at distracting myself...and perhaps this is one reason I've kept this journal so very light hearted, factual, without many of my deeper thoughts. My deeper thoughts are not always very nice, or things I wish to dwell on very often. My hamster wheel at least has lovely views.
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