And I hide under blankets/Or did I run away/I really can't remember

Sep 23, 2016 19:30

Week has been both normal and long. Not much to say about it. Got things done, continued to study Thai, and lift large amounts of weights; delicious food was made and consumed. At this point in my cycle, I drop my water weight naturally, and thus am happier with how my body looks this week, always a pleasant place to be.

Lately there has been a meme running about to post 3 fictional characters that you identify with/look up to/feel connected to/etc.; there is a secondary one asking others what/who you remind them of, or feel affiliated with, or associated with, or just pops to mind sometimes with some kind of connection.

I'm very curious to know who or what might come to mind when thinking of me. I include mythological or belief system driven people/concepts as well as more traditional fictional characters, because that's how my brain works.

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amusement, meme, journal, curious cat, friday

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