Prompt meme time! (Or, Let's Smash That Writer's Block To Many, Many Pieces)

Dec 22, 2009 20:05

New prompt meme! No worries, the old one is alive and well and functioning, the link could be found in the opening post. Anyway, let's play a little and help each other regain creative power. If you have too much of it -- it's time to share. ;)

Da rulzzz!

Give me a word -- one word -- any word -- and a pairing and I'll write a comment fic inspired ( Read more... )

prompt game, stuff, comment fic

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Comments 45

anonymous December 22 2009, 18:12:31 UTC

Scars- McCoy/Spock

Tattoo- Kirk/Spock


Not Everyone (Scars -- Spock/McCoy) kianspo December 22 2009, 19:04:31 UTC
When Spock came to his cabin, it was never something small. McCoy had long figured it out, even though they’d never discussed it. It was either a mission gone bad, or a close call, or - something. McCoy never asked, but he knew it was never about something minor. From the first time Spock turned up on his doorstep, without a good reason, but looking so despondent - it hurt, McCoy never asked. He took Spock’s hand, that first time, and led him to his bed, and they stayed there, saying nothing - doing nothing, McCoy holding Spock and Spock allowing himself to be held ( ... )


Re: Not Everyone (Scars -- Spock/McCoy) mizzykitty December 26 2009, 03:48:56 UTC
ooh, that was lovely. *wibbles*


Re: Not Everyone (Scars -- Spock/McCoy) kianspo December 26 2009, 11:26:20 UTC
Thank you ~


anonymous December 22 2009, 20:09:39 UTC
I don´t remember how are they pods?


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Jogging Kirk/Spock kianspo December 22 2009, 22:49:32 UTC
Spock liked routines. Jim hated them. It wasn’t good or bad, just one of the facts about them, belonging to that strange layer of the Enterprise reality that was Kirk and Spock. Like, Jim always skipped breakfast, and Spock never fancied late meals. Or, Spock filed his paperwork at the earliest opportunity, while Jim usually left it till the very last minute. It was strange perhaps how, given the difference in their ways, they managed to function so well as a team, but that, too, was just another fact about them ( ... )


Re: kianspo December 22 2009, 23:03:03 UTC
Oh, and your prompt if you accept this response, is:
glue Kirk/Spock ;)


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Sighs anonymous December 22 2009, 20:38:39 UTC
OMG, Scars is have a gift with words and with feelings. I almost envy you. Almost. Really.

Pizza: K/S
Grass: Pike/Spock
Wooden train: S/Mc
Pastries on Paris: K/S
Bastille: K/S
Blue: P/S
guitar: Pike/N1 was just one word? Well, just pastries, then. Forget Paris. *grins* But the train is a wooden one, a toy.


The Storm (Pike/Spock, grass) kianspo December 22 2009, 23:01:29 UTC
“Captain, we must take cover!”

Chris smiled at the unmistakable urgency in Spock’s voice.

“Easy, Spock,” he said, not looking at him. “It’s just a thunderstorm.”

He stood facing the wind, not letting it move him an inch, cutting it through like a human wave breaker. The wind was too strong for Chris to be able to withstand it for long, and Spock was right - they had to take cover. But Chris loved these moments, just before the storm hit, when the air was fresh, and charged with ozone, and filled with the smell of grass, and rain, and power. Chris laughed, throwing his head back, spreading his arms as if he intended to catch the wind and take off.

“You are insane,” an admiring, strong voice shouted-whispered in his ear.

And then a pair of strong arms wrapped around him from behind, and they stood together, challenging the storm, until the heavy, full drops rippled the air and washed away the world as they knew it.


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Re: The Storm (Pike/Spock, grass) kianspo December 23 2009, 11:15:40 UTC
:D I'm glad. I kinda fell in love with them myself. ;)


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Getting Comfortable (Jim/Spock, cozy) kianspo December 22 2009, 23:27:22 UTC
“Out of the chair, Mr. Spock,” Kirk whispered into his XO’s ear, sneaking up on him from behind ( ... )


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Re: Getting Comfortable (Jim/Spock, cozy) kianspo December 23 2009, 11:16:36 UTC
:D You're welcome. ;)


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