Prompt meme time! (Or, Let's Smash That Writer's Block To Many, Many Pieces)

Dec 22, 2009 20:05

New prompt meme! No worries, the old one is alive and well and functioning, the link could be found in the opening post. Anyway, let's play a little and help each other regain creative power. If you have too much of it -- it's time to share. ;)

Da rulzzz!

Give me a word -- one word -- any word -- and a pairing and I'll write a comment fic inspired by it in this very post. E.g.: 'apple' -- Kirk/Bones or 'dawn' -- Spock Prime/Kirk Prime or 'meticulous' -- Spock/McCoy.... You get the picture, aye?

If you're an author, and I fill your prompt, I'll expect you to fill mine in return -- along the same scheme. If you're not an author, well, I guess, you might just get lucky. ;) If you're an author and you don't have a prompt for me but want one -- shout! Words, I haz them. ;)

Come on, guys, it'll be fun! :D

prompt game, stuff, comment fic

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