Terra the sexist bully

Jul 08, 2010 23:55

Okay, fangirls, I've seen this in a high enough percentage of stories involving Terra and Aqua as kids that it seems to be a trend, and I really don't get it.

What about Terra makes you think he'd be the type to have such enlightened thoughts as, "Girls can't be fighters, they're supposed to stay in the kitchen"? Or that he'd immediately act like the annoying hair-pulling sort of bully (because he has a crush on her, obviously)?

...okay, the second one I kind of understand (though that doesn't make it any better). But, when Terra automatically assumes that Aqua's there to be kitchen help because she's a girl, well, there's a bit of a problem.

Especially because -

- It's Terra that we're dealing with. You know, the guy who can look at Aurora sleeping and see Ven without thinking anything odd of it, and complement Cinderella for her strength (of heart, but still).

I mean, sure, he made one teasing comment about Aqua acting feminine by making good luck charms... but it's not like he's ashamed of being sentimental himself.

TL;DR: Turning Terra into the designated sexist so Aqua can set him right is massively OOC and ought to be tossed out of the fandom violently.
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