Radiant Garden = Traverse Town?

Jul 06, 2010 21:38

So there I was, flicking through a forum and searching for Kingdom Hearts roleplayers when I stumble upon a conversation between three people. Recognizing one of them as my friends, I go through the conversation a bit. She makes an offhanded innocent comment about how she finds it interesting he keeps calling Radiant Garden by its old 'Hollow Bastion' nom de plume. That is when I witness this gem:

"Well, Hollow Bastion is to Radiant Garden is to Traverse Town..."

...No. You Fail. I don't know what game this guy was playing- maybe some cheap knock off that looked only vaguely like the original games but isn't? But no. Traverse Town is a completely different thing from Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. Thankfully, another person pipes up about this very same thing...

But the guy refuses to listen. I can only raise my eyebrow oh-so slowly as he tries to defend his position, even when Miss Smart Chicka points out, basically, "Dude, you travel from Traverse Town TO Hollow Bastion in the first freakin' game". His response?

Okay, okay, okay....
I'm not going to turn this into a debate, but you do need to look at your last statement again.
What you said doesn't fit well when you consider what occurs within the games, as "Traverse Town" and "Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden" never were placed within one game, in separate spots or otherwise.
I will say that the only supporting evidence of my side is that the characters that appear in Traverse Town (Squall/Leon, Cid, Aerith/Aeris, Yuffie, etc.) all, somehow, were able to get there seemingly before Cid or the others managed to figure out/gain the Gummi Ship technology, despite them being residents of Radiant Garden, which would suggest that it is a part of the same world.
But, I will admit, it's all simply theory.

Dude. Whatever crack you're smoking, stop smoking it. It's obviously giving you a bad trip and not a good one, like when I made Belle a necromancer in one roleplay. (Listen, she was in Halloween Town at the time and she's going to be very courteous and polite to the spirits she's going to ask for help. It's the French. Dead people dig it. Besides, she's being hunted by the Organization; she's going to need the help. )

I'm preeeeeetty sure that, in-game, that very same group of people flat out said that their world fell to the Heartless aka CIAO DEAD TO THE UNIVERSE and that they fled to Traverse Town, somehow. Something like that. Hey, remember how Sora got to Traverse? He fell through a fucking hole that was caused by his world collapsing.

Theory? You don't have a theory. That word does not mean what you seem to think it means. As of Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a 'theory' is generally defined as a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena. What you're smoking babbling about is not a 'theory', it's bullshit that goes directly against canon.

So stop that. Right now.

At least I know who I'm not asking to roleplay with...

common sense, worlds, canon, whatthefuckery

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