tl;dr on Saïx (who is pretty rad)

Jun 06, 2009 11:15

...Yeah, I just used 'rad' in my title, what do you think of me now?

Yesterday, my good gal-pal kaiyabeck and I were talking about some Luxord fic she found on The Pit It appeared that Luxord seemed to have taken on the habit of abusing Axel and Saïx. Because, y'know, he's into that sort of thing these days. This led on to all kinds of tangeants about Luxord himself, Axel, and Saïx. But I think I'll talk about Saïx today because I have a soft spot for the crazy lunatic. D'awwww.

So, it's not like we're against abuse fic here. You are free to write your crazy messed up abuse fic because damn it all, sometimes you need to embrace the dark creepy part of yourself. (I do it too, no worries there.) Catharsis and all that. But it would certainly help if the dynamic between characters allowed it.

What I'm trying to say is, Saïx could plausibly be abused. But here's Issue #1: If Saïx can be written in abuse-fic, who is he being abused by?

Honestly, I think there's only one answer: Xemnas, and I'll tell you why this would canon-ically (...?) make sense.

Exhibit a! Jiminy's Journal entry to Demyx, when he was still only known as Number IX.
whoa what the hell I'm actually using exhibits

Organization members all wear black coats, and it's said their numbers were assigned in the order they joined. In addition, their names share something as a mark of their brotherhood.

What does this have to do with Saïx?

Well, story-wise we know the first six members joined or founded the Organization together, as they were orignally the six apprentices who created artificial heartless. Saïx, being number VII, must've been the first neophyte found. Back then, with only seven Nobodies to worry about, five of whom he already had the unquestioned loyalty of from another life with them, Xemnas probably didn't fret about having a second in command.

Then as the Organization started to grow, Xemnas probably started thinking 'yeaaaah second-in-command would be good right about now the guy with the scythe is looking mighty suspicious' mr. pibb and red vines equals crazy delicious. Because he's smart and quotes the Lonely Island like that.

And who does he choose for his second-in-command? Saïx. When he could've chosen any of the original six, he chose the first new recruit.

And the only person Saïx ever goes to for permission for something? Xemnas. (You remember the whole 'INDEED' scene, right. Yeah you do.)

Therefore, in the ranking system of the Organization, Saïx is obligated to listen only to Xemnas. If Mr. Lunatic managed to royally screw something up, I could imagine Xemnas turning his 'OH SHIT HE'S THROWING A BUILDING' rage on him. Xemnas is a scary guy.

Issue #2: But what if someone lower than him rebelled? Could Saïx be abused then?

Oooh, possibly. And what do you know, the games provide us with evidence of Organization rebellion in Axel, Marluxia and Larxene. Let's take a look at Axel.

Exhibit b! Axel in Betwixt and Between.

I kidnapped Kairi, but she got away from me. After that, Saïx caught her. He's a member of Organization XIII. Saïx. Got it memorized? Now go save her!

What does this mean? It means that at some point, Saïx and Axel had an encounter during KH2 that we didn't get to see. After Kairi got away from Axel (because she's that kickass), Axel must've given chase. He must've seen Saïx take Kairi to be so sure that he'd tell Sora twice. Obviously, he would've engaged Saïx in battle if they're both so interested in using her as bait. And he apparently lost.

Therefore, Saïx wouldn't stand abuse from Axel. By extension, Saïx would most likely not take abuse from Luxord, who doesn't have nearly the same level in physical fighting as Axel does. (I bet the two would make a pass at verbal abuse, but even then Saïx has a temper you don't want to set off.)

Issue #2.5: What about Marluxia or Larxene? They're canon rebels too.

Very good question. The three of them are scary powerful fighters on their own. And hey, I can't give you a straight answer, because I'll never know. So I'll try and answer on a broader level: I don't think his personality allows for him to be tolerant of taking abuse, except possibly from those he sees as higher than him.

What's his motivation? The same as the rest of the Organization, baby. Hearts.

So alright, his motivations are the same as Marluxia and Larxene. Let's say they try and make him surrender to their new vision for the Organization through abuse. That could happen, definitely.

But would Saïx take it lying down? No. Why? He's loyal to the old Organization, the one he's second-in-command of. He's not pleased with having traitors, even after Marluxia and Larxene have been dead for a year.

Exhibit c! Saïx and Axel, during the Battle of 1000 Heartless

Saïx: Axel!

(Saïx appears between Axel and Sora)

Axel: Uh-oh!

(Axel starts to vanish. Sora tries to run to him, but Saïx holds out his arms and stops him)

Saïx: We'll ensure he receives the maximum punishment.

(Axel is gone)

The guy evidently holds Axel's abandonment of the Organization against him. Maximum punishment from Saïx? Oi. That's gotta smart.

Seeing Axel's reaction here is interesting too. It's been established in Chain of Memories that Axel is a badass traitor of traitors. And damn brave for going all out and leaving the Organization to try and find Roxas. (He says "You can't leave the Organization! They'll destroy you!" himself.) He could've faced Saïx - even had time to throw an insult! - but he chooses to run away. Yeaaaah, let's not get our larynx ripped out today. :'D

Marluxia and Larxene could certainly try to abuse Saïx, but they'd have quite a doozy of a prisoner on their hands.

In conclusion: Saïx is a badass and will fight you off to the bitter end unless you are Xemnas, who he is loyal to. And being the cool-headed guy he is (most of the time), he's not going to screw up and get that wrath turned around on him. It's what he does.

...Um. I think. I mean, it's not like I'm an authoritative figure on Saïx and all that happens to him in the fandom world. xD Just me attempting to analyze some stuff ahahahaa. oh god not the pitchforks

luxord, larxene, marluxia, canon, axel, saix

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