Last time I checked...

Jan 17, 2009 17:08

...taking it up the butt did not make you a woman! What the hell!

I'm tired of reading fics where authors completely womanize the Uke! And I mean that in the loosest sense of the word. I'm a female and there's no way in HELL I'd ever let my boyfriend turn me into a submissive bitch, nor do I think a gay man would let someone do it. It's understandable in BDSM fics, but all the time?! Fuck that! If I want to read abou my favorite KH character in yaoi relationships, I want to read about the ACTUAL characters. None of this OOC bs that turns them into a cuddly friggen flower that's suddenly nice and sobby and the most open person with their significant other. Be realistic, plz. Leon and Cloud are both quiet hardasses, leave them that way. And Sora has a PENIS. He is not a GIRL. If anyone should be clingy, it should be Riku. Mr. My-Best-Friend-Doesn't-Love-Me-Anymore-So-I'm-Gonna-Get-Mindfucked-By-Ansem. And don't get me started on Roxas and Axel. Roxas is just a likely to be submissive as Leon or Cloud. When in Kingdom Hearts did it even suggest that he whines/cries/or acts like a whimp?! Nowhere! Nowhere at all! So stop with that crap! KTHX., that makes me feel alot better. =3


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