This news regarding the North American release of Re:CoM makes me so incredibly happy. I pray that they do a good job with the dubbing so that hopefully SOME of the people who can't seem to get the CoM Nobodies' characterizations right will finally change their ways. And then maybe we can take a break from the constant onslaught of flaming!Marluxia, emo!Zexion, PMS!Larxene, woobie!Axel, and so forth. Also, it may be too much to hope for, but 3D CoM = more Vexen, Lexaeus, and/or Repliku fics, y/n?
Anything to denounce the (incredibly WRONG) stereotypes. Please don't let me down, English-version... We've been saying for years how it shows in people's writing that it's obvious they never played CoM. I hope that now that people finally might get to it that it doesn't backfire. @__@