Oh, look, another Kairi Hate Club...

Sep 13, 2008 17:50

Hello, fellow KH lovers, first post here. Remember the that anti-Kairi club in deviantART? Well, sadly, its not the only one of its kind. I introduce you to the Kairi Hate-Club of KHInsider Forums...

WARNING:  May get a little tl;dr.

Kairi bashing Sucks #1675 )


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divineduckling November 19 2008, 21:05:54 UTC
A bit overdue? Probably. I'd like to think I still have the right to defend myself regardless.

"I did look at the club master's essay once (before hearing of this club) - and it wasn't really bashing and was actually pretty calm for somebody who disliked Kairi so much. So I'm surprised that she would be the type to create a bashing club. "

See, that's the beauty of it. We opened the Hate-club for fun and lulz.
That, and the fact that even in a civil discussion, most often than not (not generalizing but that is the experience I had, as shown even in the replies to the essay which ironically enough were only on the SoKai part, no one seemed to care enough to read the SoNami part, oddly enough), the person defending Kairi would sooner resort to insulting the Kairi dislikers and call us names, excusing our opinions away as "never paid attention to the game", or "jealousy towards an awesome girl", or whatnot ( ... )


Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 21 2008, 20:38:04 UTC
Well, I’ve just noticed this when looking at old posts but since this comment is recent, I’ll try and clear some things up. It’s quarter past nine in the evening here and I haven’t had much sleep in the past few weeks, so I bet that the next time I see this post, I’ll be all, “What the hell was I on about?” However, this reply was written with the best intentions ( ... )


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 21 2008, 21:48:24 UTC
It’s quarter past nine in the evening here and I haven’t had much sleep in the past few weeks, so I bet that the next time I see this post, I’ll be all, “What the hell was I on about?”

I know your pain. It's 10 minutes before tomorrow here.

Maybe I should have made myself clearer.

Rest assured then that aside from the direct line following the part of your post I quoted, none of what I said was directed at you. I would've replied to your own post and not the first one in the thread instead then.
I was rather flattered someone here would actually rise in my defense about the essay here. So thank you.
Which I just noticed you did again.
I really should stop replying as I'm reading, shouldn't I?

Generally, I was quite impressed with your essays (or at least what I read of them).

Why thank you :) good to know three months+ of work paid off. May I inquire as to which of them you read?

While I didn’t agree some of what you said, I thought that you did very well at avoiding the Kairi bashing.I was trying to present a case and actually ( ... )


Re: Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 25 2008, 20:39:52 UTC
Sorry this reply is late. My parents came to visit me for the weekend so I had very little time to respond to this post. Hope nobody’s offended by this, by the way ( ... )


Re: Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 25 2008, 21:02:19 UTC
Forgot one bit...

But an action would produce a reaction, being me and my club members posting here as we did.

Yeah, I understand that. After all, this is the Internet.


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 25 2008, 21:40:29 UTC
You actually replied to that one XD


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 25 2008, 21:40:11 UTC
Hope nobody’s offended by this, by the way.

Nah, this is the internet.
I hope it's a given people have lives outside of it.

And the mods have no problem with you posting in your defence here since it’s clear that you guys aren’t trolling.

Ho? And here I was hoping that maybe the people that trolled against us would get something for it.
Ho well.

Also, I find it silly and funny when some girl only likes a character just because he’s fit, it’s not a sexist or racist-related reason so it’s not something to get really offended by.

That always goes both ways. It's true them being visually pleasing is always a plus, but I've hated "bishies" before and loved characters with realistic deisgns (Monster! ;; <3) so *shrugs*

Those types of people tend to take fandom too seriously.I personally don't think that taking the fandom seriously is wrong. I mean, look at my essay - one would argue I wasted three months of my life on it ( ... )


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