Oh, look, another Kairi Hate Club...

Sep 13, 2008 17:50

Hello, fellow KH lovers, first post here. Remember the that anti-Kairi club in deviantART? Well, sadly, its not the only one of its kind. I introduce you to the Kairi Hate-Club of KHInsider Forums...

WARNING:  May get a little tl;dr.

Kairi bashing Sucks #1675 )


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Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 21 2008, 20:38:04 UTC
Well, I’ve just noticed this when looking at old posts but since this comment is recent, I’ll try and clear some things up. It’s quarter past nine in the evening here and I haven’t had much sleep in the past few weeks, so I bet that the next time I see this post, I’ll be all, “What the hell was I on about?” However, this reply was written with the best intentions.

I obviously made a poor word choice when I said “waste of time”. I actually meant that I generally think that character bashing is stupid, especially when I find stupid reasons why said character is hated. Therefore, I don’t take them very seriously. It’s just not my taste nor is it my sense of humour. However, believe it or not, I don’t object to Kairi bashing forums/communities since she’s a fictional character and people who do it aren’t committing a crime. Which is why I said that it’s nothing to be offended at. I don’t necessarily think that people who do such things are necessarily unintelligent either. Maybe I should have made myself clearer. I can’t speak for everybody else, though.

Generally, I was quite impressed with your essays (or at least what I read of them). While I didn’t agree some of what you said, I thought that you did very well at avoiding the Kairi bashing. Which is why I said that I was surprised that you created a forum like this. But since you said that you respect other people’s opinions, I’m cool. Hate her to your heart’s content.

And if I explain why I like Kairi, you’re allowed to think that my reasons are full of absolute and unmitigated crap. XD As long as you can respect my rights to like them, fine. Again, however, I can’t speak for everybody in this community.

However, I can tell you that not all of us in this community like Kairi, although I suspect that some of them aren’t brave enough to voice their disagreements (although there have been a few debates about Kairi here). Also, this community can get out of hand sometimes (sometimes we do get a wee bit upset over little things - I have in the past, which I kind of regret. And I probably still do). The mods know this too. However, as this is a rant community, so it’s not necessarily going to be ‘nice’. Members of this community have been ranted about before. Stuff I’ve done has been ranted about here too. Doesn’t mean that you’re not welcome to do so here, though. Although I do admit that some of the rants/comments can go a bit overboard here.

I am going to let the mods know of this. They might help clear things up better than me. I can’t guarantee what they will do in response, but I assure you that they aren’t unreasonable.

Hope I didn't sound bitchy here.


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 21 2008, 21:48:24 UTC
It’s quarter past nine in the evening here and I haven’t had much sleep in the past few weeks, so I bet that the next time I see this post, I’ll be all, “What the hell was I on about?”

I know your pain. It's 10 minutes before tomorrow here.

Maybe I should have made myself clearer.

Rest assured then that aside from the direct line following the part of your post I quoted, none of what I said was directed at you. I would've replied to your own post and not the first one in the thread instead then.
I was rather flattered someone here would actually rise in my defense about the essay here. So thank you.
Which I just noticed you did again.
I really should stop replying as I'm reading, shouldn't I?

Generally, I was quite impressed with your essays (or at least what I read of them).

Why thank you :) good to know three months+ of work paid off. May I inquire as to which of them you read?

While I didn’t agree some of what you said, I thought that you did very well at avoiding the Kairi bashing.

I was trying to present a case and actually get people to try and humor me by trying if only for a moment to see things my way.
Them disagreeing with me at the end of the day as you did means they gave me the time of day, something I wouldn't have received in a life time had I just busted in and started yelling about why Kairi sucks.
She frustrates me to no greater ends and I do love Naminé so much more, but I'd be doing both Naminé as my love and Kairi herself as a character wrong by simply bashing Kairi.
It would reflect poorly both on my opinion and the things that I do support and above all else the hard work I put into writing it, which was obviously not my intention.
So again, thank you, and I'm glad I managed to uphold my initial goal of presenting her in a negative light - being, sadly, how I see her - while presenting legitimate reasons.

Which is why I said that I was surprised that you created a forum like this.

You kind of get the hint when people repeatedly tell you you're crazy, jealous, and are a bitch simply for not liking a fictional character.
So if the way in which I, a real person, can keep from being hated on is by taking my views and opinions somewhere else where hopefully people won't hunt me down there, then so be it.
I'd hope you'll agree with me though that it coming to that point is kind of ridiculous.
...but since we did have a club, we might as well enjoy it, no? Therefore, in with the lulz and shizzles.
It really became more of a "Naminé fan club" in recent times though, or a discussion about the essay.
Bashing for the sake of bashing is long gone and despite what the thread starter seems to think, we don't enjoy hating to that extent.
We do have better things to do with our time and our lives (despite the occasional bursts of boredom and the need in humorous social interaction).

Hate her to your heart’s content.

The irony is that I'd rather not hate her :\ and it would've been relatively easy to fix so many things I find as flaws... *sigh*

And if I explain why I like Kairi, you’re allowed to think that my reasons are full of absolute and unmitigated crap

I'll quirk a brow, probably, but I won't go as far as thinking they're crap. They're not crap by definition of being someone's opinion, and as long as you put some minimal thought into liking her (unlike some people that simply like her for dressing somewhat slutty like in KH2, yes there are some of those, lo and behold), it wouldn't be crap; only disagreeable to some people.

However, as this is a rant community, so it’s not necessarily going to be ‘nice’.

Oh, I know. I'm not nice all the time either. But an action would produce a reaction, being me and my club members posting here as we did.
I do hope we were civil enough and have refrained from calling out fail on people.

Hope I didn't sound bitchy here.

You sounded highly apologetic for something which is neither your fault, nor were you accused of.
I do admit though I took a liking to you. Thank you for taking the time to respond. :)

...now how badly should I fear the mods' reactions? o.o;


Re: Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 25 2008, 20:39:52 UTC
Sorry this reply is late. My parents came to visit me for the weekend so I had very little time to respond to this post. Hope nobody’s offended by this, by the way.

I wouldn't have called the mods if I felt that they were going to ban you outright or sound really bitchy since you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s just that the mods said that if you had a problem in the community or with the community then it was best to contact them so I wasn’t sure if you wanted to talk to them or not. That, and I wasn’t really thinking straight when I did it. But nobody’s in trouble. And the mods have no problem with you posting in your defence here since it’s clear that you guys aren’t trolling.

Well, what I meant was that just because you respect an opinion does not necessarily mean you have to like it. I mean, it doesn't matter how intelligent or sensible somebody is - they are going to have some reasons for liking or disliking something that other people are going to think, "LOL WTF did you get that idea from?" but that's life. Also, I find it silly and funny when some girl only likes a character just because he’s fit, it’s not a sexist or racist-related reason so it’s not something to get really offended by.

I'd hope you'll agree with me though that it coming to that point is kind of ridiculous.

Not sure what you mean by that but there are bad extremes on each side. I’ve seen Kairi bashers who think that people only like her because she is pretty. And while there is nothing wrong with defending a character or ranting some Kairi fans do go a bit too far by judging what people are for just disliking a character or going “You! Out of my fandom, now!” I used to in the past. Those types of people tend to take fandom too seriously.

I don’t think anybody’s completely nice. XD But you guys seemed to be civil enough. We´ve had far worse people (crusaders who appeared to want to shut down the community by trolling, for example). And I agree that posting will trigger a reaction. I mean, this is the Internet.

As for your essays, I think I read all of them or at least I tried to. I don’t quite remember everything(especially since I’ve moved to Spain at the end of last September and only have just been able to get the Internet last Monday). However, I am interested in reading them again.


Re: Long, long reply... daisy_the_mage1 November 25 2008, 21:02:19 UTC
Forgot one bit...

But an action would produce a reaction, being me and my club members posting here as we did.

Yeah, I understand that. After all, this is the Internet.


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 25 2008, 21:40:29 UTC
You actually replied to that one XD


Re: Long, long reply... divineduckling November 25 2008, 21:40:11 UTC
Hope nobody’s offended by this, by the way.

Nah, this is the internet.
I hope it's a given people have lives outside of it.

And the mods have no problem with you posting in your defence here since it’s clear that you guys aren’t trolling.

Ho? And here I was hoping that maybe the people that trolled against us would get something for it.
Ho well.

Also, I find it silly and funny when some girl only likes a character just because he’s fit, it’s not a sexist or racist-related reason so it’s not something to get really offended by.

That always goes both ways. It's true them being visually pleasing is always a plus, but I've hated "bishies" before and loved characters with realistic deisgns (Monster! ;; <3) so *shrugs*

Those types of people tend to take fandom too seriously.

I personally don't think that taking the fandom seriously is wrong. I mean, look at my essay - one would argue I wasted three months of my life on it.
My literature teachers all throughout the ages on the other hand would shed a tear of happiness, seeing how someone actually learned something from them.
I find nothing wrong in criticising the fandom and taking it seriously.
I do however find fault in people hating on each other, especially with the argument of "you hate a fictional character!"
...lol what? You just hated on a real person because of said fictional character.
Am I the only person seeing the logical flaw here?

I don’t think anybody’s completely nice. XD But you guys seemed to be civil enough.

In general and specifically after being trolled against by Kairi lovers, I made it a policy to be polite and civil when it comes to debates.
As I said before - what's the point of trolling when I want to have people hear me out? It's counterproductive.

However, I am interested in reading them again.

Do let me know how it went. I'm striving on ever improving them and have even accepted things that were said.
For instance, I originally complained about Kairi not heading back to Hollow Bastion after Sora pulled her out of there, and then was reminded that no one at all knew what was waiting for them, so saying that was Kairi's own fault that she remained there (assuming Sora would have let her come if it was to balance the Keyhole or something, not - come with him as she intended) is unfair.
I thus soothed it a bit to it being the writers' fault at wasting an opportunity to do something not only productive but even epic with her and basing has as an uber special PoH or something.
So constructive criticism (which isn't constructed of "...what game did you play again, lawl, I totally disagree, you suck") is more than welcome :3


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