Oh, look, another Kairi Hate Club...

Sep 13, 2008 17:50

Hello, fellow KH lovers, first post here. Remember the that anti-Kairi club in deviantART? Well, sadly, its not the only one of its kind. I introduce you to the Kairi Hate-Club of KHInsider Forums...

WARNING:  May get a little tl;dr.

Seriously? Seriously?!  I know Kairi bashing has been ranted on many times, but it still doesn't lessen my decreasing tolerance for this bullsh!t.  This is their 'motto': We don't think she sucks because we hate her, We hate her because she sucks!

So. Much. Fail.

Really, I could understand the person ( who's female, surprise surprise) starting the 'club' ( I use the term very loosely) if, like, every other KH fan or fan site worshiped Kairi or something, but since this is Kingdom Hearts fandom, Kairi hate is hardly uncommon. Wait... what!? There's even a design your own 'I-Hate-Kairi' T-shirt CONTEST!!!! Oh... and there's 66 current members.

Get a load of this: one of the members is called... KAIRI_SUX. Yes, that's her real user-name!  *facepalm*  Here's some of trivia 'bout her: Biography: hate kairi, Location: hate kairi land, Interests: hating kairi, Occupation: hating kairi, Favorite Game: Kingdom Hearts the hate kairi game. And her signature: Kairi sucks and is retarded.....some people like her. If you hate her join your fellow kairi-haters in the kairi hate club! If you wanna know why we hate her read the master's great essay!

Stupid and pathetic, ain't she? The 'master' she is referring to is the club leader, who has an LiveJournal account.

If you go through the pages, another member ( I won't mention her name) with a peculiar obsession with Winne the Pooh, wrote anti-Kairi haikus!!! Yep, them posters are sure havin' a grand ol' time hating on a fictional, pixelated character.

Bottom line, I don't care if you dislike Kairi; I think she's a pretty cool gal and would love to have a friend like her IRL. HOWEVER, something is very wrong if you waste your time and energy despising someone from a video game.

Lord give me strength...

Off Topic: In a recent interview with Mr. Nomura confirms that Aqua from the upcoming Birth By Sleep game well be playable. Sweet, a playable female!

Also Off Topic: Does anyone know of good Riku/Namine fics. Love the paring, find Roxas/Namine to be... well... boring; totally not dissing the fans of the latter pairing! *prepares for flames anyway*


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