An intelligent little chat about human tendencies

Jun 12, 2007 21:42

People can enjoy characters they connect with, and they have an easier time connecting with a good-looking human character than a colourful cartoon character because not only does the former appeal in terms of their attractiveness, but they also are human.

Why do you think so many movies star animals that show purely human qualities? The female love interest in animated films is sometimes even shaped like a human woman (or oversized eyelashes, anyone?) and not at all like a female mouse/cat/dog/octopus because it has to appeal to our senses, to our sexuality, and I don't think many people get it up for mice.

Or, why do you think people have the urge to draw human interpretations of animated things? Gijinkas, I believe they're called.

So, yes, characters like Donald and Goofy get left in the dust a lot, and there's a purely psychological reason for that.

It's because giving them deep thoughts sometimes feels weird. It's because putting romance in their lives squicks a lot of people. It's because they aren't human and we have trouble identifying with them. It's because we feel more inspired by a human victory/romance/train of thought than one of an animal/cartoon character.

So maybe we could give everyone else a break, because quite frankly I don't have the urge to read about Donald and Goofy. In fact, I think they ruin the mood, because when you look and sound like that, nothing is serious business.

With love,

PS: Disney characters are awesome and they do have feelings and they are funny and we love them. But not everyone wants to use them in their fics, and apart from the fanbrats who do this because it ruins TEH HAWT SEX, there are somewhat normal reasons for neglecting the cartoons. I was just trying to get them across. ^_^"


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