(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 02:34

Dear fanbrat:

So, you used Roxas being in a coma as a plot devise for some AxelxRoxas in your Yaoi-fest High School AU. Ok, then, that's sort of legitimate... Oh, and Cloud knows that Roxas, which, I'll repeat, is in a coma, wants Axel to be there... And how does he knows that?

fic!Cloud: "I know because... Because I'm gay."



You see, unlike seemingly popular belief, gay people don't have SPESHUL MAGICAL POWERS OF TEH RAINBOWSSSS!!!!!! So, the odds of Cloud knowing that Roxas wants Axel to be there simply because he's gay, are slim to non-existant. In fact, scratch the slim part, they're non-existent, period.


au, roxas, axel

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