I nuke with my little mind, something that begins with 'F'.

Jun 12, 2007 19:19

Dear, dear fanbrats perfectly respectable members of the fandom, Donald and Goofy do indeed exist. AND THEY ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT CHARACTERS. In fact, they're probably bordering on Mickey-esque levels of importance. Just look at the Throne Room of Disney Castle. See those two colossal would have taken years top craft statues? Guess who they are. So STOP leaving them out of your bloody fanfiction.

I don't care about the excuse, "BUT THEIR DISNEY WHICH AUTOMATICALLY MAKES THEM TEH SUCKAGE!! And Sora would be better off without them." Listen up. Mickey owns SORA'S SOOOOUUUUUULL every freaking skill in the entiire Multi-verse Chuck Norris would be put to shame and also happens to be the reason that your precious 'bishie' Riku got out of the Dark realm alive. Donald is one of the most powerful mages in the game, and owns all of the limits that turn your enemies into greasy little stains on the floor. Goofy, well do I even need to point out a particular scene in the game that shows off how incredibly AWESOME that anthropomoriphic dog is. Even if he is the biggest border line Stu that game has. *SHOT    My point being is that neither Sora nor Riku would be the characters they are today without the influence of the Disney Trio. So please, give them some love? ;__;

And on a completley unrelated note, if there were a highschool AU that said ranter might just be working on, that happened to have human!Mickey and Human!Donald, just what would they look like? ._. 

forgotten characters, disney

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