29 more plotbunnies (not a rant)

Apr 23, 2007 20:12

After I didn't get vegatables thrown at me when I posted my first list, I decided to post a second list of 29 plotbunnies I thought of, and then not do it again (I promise). My opinion is that this list is far better than my first one.

31 Plotbunnies. (credit goes to the people who inspired these at khfanficrants)

1. A Shadow and Dusk engage in passionate sex, the Heartless out of mindless love, the Dusk out of a desperate hope that if they joined, it would be able to feel empathy for others again.

2. The Organization makes a oreientation video for new members to the group.

3. A fic that details the captain of the Org's Gummi Ship fleet and it's battles against Maleificent's army of Heartless and Sora, Donald and Goofy.

4.Even though Pete despises working for Maleficient, he also feels a strange attraction to her, and is surprised to see himself cry when Maleificent declares that she doesn't need him anymore.

5. Namine becomes more powerful, and is soon able to modify the minds all people, even ones unconnected to Sora. She decides to use this ability for sweet, sweet revenge.

6. A fic about Organization members in Castle Oblivion's library.

7. After Marluxia dies, he is reborn as a tree in the real world (one-shot, of course)

8. Shortly after the Org's death, 8 of the lesser Nobodies reinhabit the Castle That Never Was, organize an army of Nobodies and use the Org.'s gummi ships and other weapons to lay siege to several worlds.

9. After Organization Xlll's demise, a Vexen Replica returns to Castle Oblivion to make replicas of the other members.

10. When Sora, Donald and Goofy travel to Space Paranoids, Tron greets them with fanfiction that he found on the Internet.

11. When Simba goes on to Sora's Gummi Ship to speak to King Mickey, he becomes human.

12. Mulan becomes the new member of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Commity.

13. Organization Xlll turns out to be the latest in a long history of human-like Nobodies that do anything they can to receive hearts, a history that is entwined with the history of the Keyblades.

14. King Mickey meets a group of people called the Locksmiths, who want to artifically turn Heartless into pure hearts and insert them into Nobodies.

15. Sora, Donald, Goofy and Herc try to rescue Persephone from her enternal husband, Hades.

16. Just like how plants need soil to live, Marluxia thinks that he cannot live without Lexaeus.

17. Sora and Tron discover a pathway in Space Paranoids that leads them to Mainframe. (KH/ReBoot crossover)

18. Vexen can't seem to understand why Larxene refuses to participate in experiments involving Nobodies and pregnancy.

19. Donald comes back to Mickey's castle, to find out that Daisy left him for Chip.

20. Long after the abandonment of Castle Oblivion by Organization Xlll, Sora places the deck he used at Merlin's house, thinking that the cards had no power left in them. He was wrong.

21, A necromancer known as Tlaw revives Clayton, Jafar, Oogie, and Malificent as zombies, and sets them against Sora, Riku and Kairi.

22. An average girl plays Kingdom Hearts so much that she thinks she's in Kingdom Hearts. (got the basic idea from "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen)

23. Demyx is sent back in time into Nazi Germany.

24. Saix/Larxene, with Saix as the dominant masochist and Larxene as the submissive sadist.

25. Organization Xlll get their hearts, and go completely insane with guilt.

26. In a Very Special Kingdom Hearts, Riku becomes addicted to drugs, and Sora and Kairi need to get him out of it.

27. Axel and Roxas can't remember what happened when they had sex, while Larxene makes beeping sounds every time she swears.

28. Nobody!Scrooge buys out Organization Xlll, and institutes bizzare changes to save money, such as serving Heartless for dinner, and using Larxene, Axel and Demyx for electricity, heat and water.

29. SoRiKai and the Organization fight off a massive onslaught of Gutless, which threaten to consume Kingdom Hearts. (Thank you, Those Lacking Spines!)

Anyone know where to get a good KH icon?

EDIT: My original plotbunny post is here. http://www.ljtop.com/_30_plotbunnies_in_30_minutes_not_a_rant_199571809.html

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