Tea has been served.

Jan 07, 2007 18:49

Finally, the first part of Tea for Two has been posted! It’s been quite a wait, hasn’t it? I hope you all aren’t too mad; I know that I’ve taken too long. Hopefully, the wait was worth it. :D

(By the way, Leiko, I hope that it’s okay to post this here, seeing as there are members that aren’t in kh_rantbunnies. If it isn’t, please feel free to delete this post.)

And now, without further delay (seeing as there’s already a lengthy introduction), I present the first part of Tea for Two!

Series: Kingdom Hearts (2)
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Organization XIII, OC ["Texa"]
Rating: R
Warning(s): parody, language, slash, het, violence
Status: In Progress

Written for: twilightxsin

“When Texa joins the ranks of the Organization XIII, the other Nobodies are less than enthusiastic. Little do they know, however, that their greatest threat lies not in the Keyblade Master, but somewhere much, much closer... [A Mary Sue parody.]”

( The Altar of Naught was, as always, bathed in the light of Kingdom Hearts, the moon hanging above it and almost within reach... )

alternate link: KH Fanfic Archive

Cross-posted in multiple communities. Many apologies if you see it more than once!

mary sue, parodies

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