You cannot deny the importance.

Dec 02, 2006 14:27

So, a further thought on the "KH but without Disnee!! lol disnye is for lusrs" trend:

Okay. Suppose there's no Disney, it's all a Square game, you just have SoRiKai and the original storyline and Square stuff. So the Heartless come--

Oops. Heartless are Disney.

Well, who knows, maybe the Heartless concept was another Nomura brainbaby. So the Heartless come, Sora wanders aimlessly around Traverse Town, nearly gets eaten, and meets up with--

Oops. Donald and Goofy are Disney. No party members for the lost and discouraged 14-year-old whose world just got eaten.

Okay, so maybe Sora is just so awesome that somehow, he makes it through a multitude of not-Disney worlds all alone, without being totally fucking overwhelmed by ravenous heart-eating shadows. Somewhere along the way he meets up with Riku, who's fallen in with--

Uh-oh. Maleficent is Disney too.

All right, let's make her Yunalesca or some shit. And the princesses - well, that's a hell of a sticky spot, but let's see. Square can do pure-hearted princesses. Let's say... Garnet, Lenna, Celes, Rinoa, Ovelia, aaaand I dunno, Rosa. I had to dip into the obscure there, but there you go!

Now by this time the plot's limping along boringly because there's no interesting interaction for Sora, and Maleficent is hard to top as a villain, and the lack of cheeriness is making everything kind of gloomy, and by contrast with the gloom Sora just comes off as kind of an idiot instead of a lovable hero because he doesn't fit the milieu, but THERE'S NO DISNEY AND THAT'S WHAT'S IMPORTANT, OKAY?

So Sora locks the door to darkness, with the help of--


Mickey helped Sora lock the door. This was critically necessary. You don't have an ending to this game without Mickey.

And, what's more?

Mickey's friendship is what got Riku sufficiently over his insecurities and his mounting guilt to do what was necessary, accept himself as he was and realize that darkness could be used for good, and maybe even like himself a little at last. Mickey's friendship filled the hole Riku wasn't getting filled.

MICKEY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SEX GOD'S SELF-ESTEEM. Without which you couldn't even have your precious buttsex, or my beloved threesome.

Respect the god damn mouse. And everyone who comes with him.

king mickey, disney

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