(no subject)

Dec 02, 2006 22:26

My third post in two days? What has gotten into me?

Anyway, to the point. You all should know by now that I'm a visual type of person, and I made this post in response to my skin color rant. It's like a collection of visual rants :D I could have my own rant portfolio~

Moving on, I saw a lot of people who commented about being anal when it comes to eye colors. Who can blame them? In a Japanese video game where EVERYONE'S eyes are big and shiny, clarity when it comes to eyes should be easy, right?

Not for some fan authors. Now, without further ado, I bring you...


No doubt about it. Sora's eyes are as BLUE as a clear Spring day. Any denying this and I would suggest you (a) get your own eyes checked, (b) adjust the setting on your TV/computer, or (c) stop disagreeing with me just to be mean.

Ever notice how Roxas' eyes are the exact same as Sora's?

If you wanted to get technical, I would call their eyes ROYAL BLUE or DODGER BLUE with a hint of DENIM. Other colors: BLUE or AZURE.



Blue blue blue blue BLUE. Hers and Naminé's eyes appear SLIGHTLY darker than Sora's, so I think CERULEAN BLUE is the best color for her. DARK CERULEAN and DENIM would fit well nicely, along with INTERNATIONAL KLEIN BLUE, ULTRAMARINE, and SMALT.


Above is a picture of Axel's eyes from the game. They appear a startling green, in technical terms DARK PASTEL GREEN, EMERALD, JADE, or even MALACHITE. I wouldn't go so far as to say PASTEL GREEN, but it might fit :)

Now why is it so hard for a lot of authors to get his friggen eye color right? Take a look at this:

Taken from the KH2 Novel... what the hell? RED eyes? When the hell did that happen?

And again, from the novel:

His eyes appear so light they almost look yellow. The lightest parts look PEAR, while the darkest look OLIVE.

With all this confusion, look at his concept art eyes (
). They're so small you can hardly tell, and I couldn't find a larger picture.

If I were you, I'd stick with the game eye colors - those bright shades of green I listed earlier. (Oh, and by the way, Axel's eyes kinda give you a clue that he couldn't be Reno's Nobody. Notice hor Naminé and Kairi, as well are Sora and Roxas, have identicle eyes. Reno's are a light blue, while Axel has never been featured with blue eyes. I may be wrong however, as I can't recall Xenahort(sp? lol, i'm a moron)'s eyes in comparison to Xemnas'.)


Whoo, this is hard work. OK, once again the concept art is not reliable for Marluxia - it looks too dark around his eyes to really tell. So once again, I consulted the KH Novel.

Marluxia's eyes, I think, are kind of like that crayon you took out of the box as a child and could have SWORN it was blue when you looked at it, but was actually purple. Marluxia's eyes appear a deep, purplish blue, or vice versa. They look DARK VIOLET to me, even INDIGO.

But what's this? Another eye color contradiction!

So. Now all of a sudden his eyes look WISTERIA, or THISTLE, MAUVE or LILAC. What the hell?

Judging from the darkness of his eyes in the concept art and the KH2 intro (to the point where you can hardly TELL his eyecolor) I would stick with the dark blue options. I've heard Marluxia's eyes listed as all kids of crazy colors, ones FAR from dark blue. Red, yellow, hazel, green, brown...


WOW. Talk about AQUAMARINE, BRIGHT TURQUOISE, GREEN, and TUQUOISE! Damn. So why do so many authors insis his eyes are blue?

Because of the concept art. Look here:

You can hardly see anything. His eyes APPEAR to be a bluish green, but they're so small and dark you can hardly tell. What about art from the last game?

So his eyes are AZURE all of a sudden? CONFLOWER BLUE? DODGER BLUE even?

Personally, I'm not really picky about Riku's eyes in particular. So much art and footage contradicts itself, it's easy to be confused. So whether you call his eyes blue, teal, aqua, turquoise, or something in the blue-to-green family, I'm OK ^^


To question about it. His eyes may look green in the game, but I blame that on his surroundings. I would classify his eyes the same way I did Sora's: ROYAL BLUE, DODGER BLUE, DENIM, BLUE, or AZURE.

Comments? Thoughts would be muchas appreciated. I spent ages coding this thing, as I don't trust the rich text mode x_x

character colors

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