Because there hasn't already been enough ranting on smut

Nov 29, 2006 17:05

Okay. If well written, I do love me some good Axel/Roxas or Riku/Sora PWP.
But seriously - IS THAT ALL THERE IS THESE DAYS IN THE PWP SECTION OF THIS FANDOM? Akuroku and Soriku pr0n? Oh, and Leon/Cloud and Axel/Anyone, sure, why not.

But whatever happened to the other pairings? I might be the only one who thinks this way, but it would do me some good to find some Marluxia/Larxene or Vexen/Zexion or Leon/Sora smut, or even anything else a bit more obscure than Akuroku smut.
Of course, I could just be looking in all the wrong places, I have to admit.

Honestly though, Sora and Riku can only go at it so many times before they start to get tired.

And to all of you who have written a good, non-generic PWP (if even possible, haha), then I salute you.
And shower you with hugs and cookies.

(Not that I'm bashing anyone who has written Akuroku or Riku/Sora PWP. But really, sometimes it's just more worth it to try and figure out a decent plot with no porn once in a while. Or at least try a different angle with the porn. xD)

*goes back into lurking mode*


sex, yaoi, pairings

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