May 05, 2007 07:55
Had 3 midterms this week.. much better than last quarter where I had five midterms in a week. I'm not quite as burned out, but I'm still pretty tired. It got a lot harder to focus towards the end of the week as well, which was when my last 2 midterms were. But, they're over. Hopefully I did decent.
I finally get to take a day off this weekend and not do anything school related! ..that sounds horrible, but that day shall be mine.
All mine.
I found potential housing with a fellow WICS officer in Cornell starting in September. I also have no idea how the sublet ads for CV are supposed to work as I emailed one girl and she hasn't responded. Still. So I guess I have to post an ad.
Housing is so lame. Usually when you're on the wait list, they tell you where you are on the list and update you, but I haven't received any emails (from either CV or AV), so I'm wondering if the whole system broke and they're seekritly screwing is over.
Otherwise, El Cazador de la Bruja is like Noir (all of 4 out of x episodes I've watched) and it looks promising. Go check it out if you like gun-slinging girl anime. (with what I am assuming are supposed to be a couple of male trans, for that bit of humor)