just a quick little thing and thank you before I dive back into this fic...

Oct 16, 2011 09:13

There has been much panic/whinging/flailing over the current fest fic on my plate, because it is (surprise, surprise) longer than I'd planned. Like, significantly longer, OMG. But the mods have been awesome and understanding and granted me a very generous extension, and I REALLY like how this is going, even though there is only ONE scene currently in the fic-plan that was in the original concept.


I have a couple/few people I regularly turn to during my planning and/or writing process, for feedback on ideas, or particular bits of narration/dialogue, not to mention general hand-holding and shoulders on which to sob. Sometimes, they make suggestions, sometimes they approve, sometimes they talk me out of truly awful ideas, sometimes they let me vent and lean on them and get petted, and sometimes, they respond in such a way that makes me want to go through my computer and give them ALL THE SQUISHES.

Like this (via chat):

Me: [outlines newly-thought-of catalyst for character to do dramatic thing necessary for plot propulsion]
Awesome person of awesome: THAT SOUNDS LIKE AMAZING

Seriously, I could not do some of this stuff without my absolutely AMAZING friends, who will put up with my plottiness and lack of (or seriously delayed, eesh) smut, and who, for some reason, do not complain when i ambush them in chat/on twitter/via text message with fic woes or random-no-warning texts/IMs of smut or UST, or general, incomprehensible-to-most-actual-humans flailing.

Okay. Back to the writing, which is actually happening this morning, in the 2.5 hrs before work. Just needed to share, and found this while I went to look up a detail I'd plotted for said scene.

I love all of you, really. Every reader/commenter/fellow writer/lurker/anon AO3 kudos-giver. But extra love to those of you who contribute to my process in some way, and have never once told me to shut the hell up (except when it was to stop my babbling and make me listen to a point) or go away! ♥ ♥ *squishes* ♥ ♥

i have the best friends ever, my f-list rocks, help with fic-things, i heart you all, thank you, my creative (ha!) process, fandom stuff

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