Work is finally sort of settling down as we get new people trained, so I've finally been able to recapture some much-needed internet and writing time! As such, I'm taking this moment to pimp out two fic/art exchange fests: one in the HP fandom, and another in the new Suits fandom!
Suits Fandom
banner by
lc2l Signups are still open for the first round at
suits_exchange! The comm is a fic/art exchange fest, open to slash, het, femmeslash, and gen works! We already have some excellent signups, with all categories being represented as options in the signups, but we'd love a few more--the more, the merrier! Even if you don't think you'll be participating this round, please feel free to join/watch the comm and share in the goodies that will be posting in January. We also invite you to help us pimp the comm-- additional banners can be found at
this post (including an awesome Harvey one and a fabulous Louis one, by
kayoko! Signups will close on Saturday, Oct. 15th, so hurry up and get yours in!
Harry Potter Fandom
Sadly, no pretty banner here (though, if anyone wants to create one, we'd love it!), but
signups have JUST opened for the 2012 round of
hpvalensmut! The fest is a slash and femmeslash exchange for R and NC-17 fics and art. The fest has been going on since 2004, but this year,
luvscharlie and I are at the helm! In the past, we've had a rather diverse set of offerings, and we're expecting the same again this year. Come and join us for smutty goodness in the month of February! Signups are open now through Sunday, Oct. 23, so whip up your smuttiest prompts and come play!
...That's it for me, for the moment! I have about 2 more hours before work, so I'm going to go work on fest fics right up until I have to don my apron!
*love and squishes*