Still here! Sort of!

Nov 15, 2011 19:23

Haven't been on LJ lately. Honestly, haven't really seen a damned thing on here in over a month, closer to two. Comms, friends (even my very favourite people ever), etc.

So, PLEASE, if there's something you think I should know, link me, tell me, whatever. I'm easily reachable via twitter (@replies and DMs go to my phone), and I can check that if/when I get breaks and on my lunch. Those of you who've mentioned holiday cards, no, I'm sorry, I haven't seen those posts. Not a single one. My life has been eaten by fest fics and Real Life.

Brief update on Real Life: It's ridiculous lately.

Slightly less brief:

Work: This is our busiest time of year (next week, omg, I apologise to all of you in advance for flailing about pies and such. Pie Madness starts Monday). To top it off, we're short a person in the kitchen. One of the guys who works the counter just got promoted to the back as of yesterday, but he's obviously still in training. Another coworker called out for 10 days straight due to pink eye, leaving us even more short (another coworker was on vacation for half of that time), so I did things like work from open (6am) to close (~845pm). More than once.

Non-work: Husband managed to catch pneumonia, but gave in to my nagging and saw a doctor about 24 hours before they would have admitted him to the hospital. Husband also (as in, a couple of days ago), managed to throw out his back from all the related coughing. As he can't move, I end up doing a lot to help, including giving up my day off to come to campus and lug high-priced film equipment around for either his student job (photographer/editor/occasional reporter for the student news show) or one of his advanced broadcasting classes. Also, I ended up randomly helping half of his coworkers with script-related things this last week, as it was their up-for-Emmy-consideration show. Gah.

Other: Writing like mad, as always. 3-5k fest fics here, 20k+ fest fics there, and ONE DAMN FEST FIC THAT ATE MY LIFE. Seriously. The thing I wrote for hd_canon_fest was a fic that I'd thought, originally, would be 8k, maybe 10k, no more than 12k. You know where it clocked in? 47,700 words, give or take. Seriously. WTF.

That's really all I have time for. Sorry it's so short, but husband has a conference to attend in New Orleans, and he leaves early Thursday morning after dropping me off at work, so I need to finish laundry so he can pack tomorrow after work/school.

Will be doing a f'locked post here soon enough (tonight, maybe tomorrow, Thursday night at the latest), and fairly heavily filtered. If you're not included in that filter, please don't be offended--it has nothing at all to do with how much I like you, and everything to do with a particular practicality. It's just a logistics/administrative thing, and has nothing at all to do with general privacy or what you will/won't see on here. It's the only time I'll ever use that filter, and seriously, the post is like 1-2 sentences long and not at all informative. I'll just be asking some of you for something, if you can manage it, and I know not everyone can provide the info.

Love you all! *smishes everyone*

...If you don't hear from me after, oh, Monday, it's because I was buried underneath an avalanche of pies at work D:

general update, i heart you all, i need more sleep, i am made of fail, real life stuff (sorta), work is trying to kill me, where the hell is my time turner, fics have eaten me alive, i need more hours in the day

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