khall Dec 13, 2015 23:43
poly, whimsy caprice and humor, social studies
khall Apr 07, 2015 01:29
esoteric mumbo-jumbo, khall's quotes of wisdom, love, personal insight, philosophy, rambling, sex, life stuff, me, communication, social studies, life, relationships, psychology, poly, equality, consciousness
khall Jul 12, 2012 12:19
poly, helpful guide, human rights
khall May 18, 2012 19:16
internet stuff, writings, hope, personal insight, philosophy, bdsm, psychology, poly, fetlife, helpful guide, poe-try
khall Mar 14, 2012 13:30
social studies, cool stuff, human rights, relationships, love, loved, kink, personal insight, psychology, poly, american politics, sex, politics, life stuff, consciousness