It's been...____ months! O:

Dec 08, 2009 21:21

It really has been an extremely long time since I last posted. Even though I find myself too insignificant to even have to apologize for this random hiatus, I am truly sorry. :P I was truly busy with school, friends, and family. Whenever there wasn't something I had to do for school like homework or club activities, I went to be with my friends or family. It's crazy how busy I was in the past few months. Of course, manga comes before anything, so I'm very caught up with all my manga titles and more. Other than the purpose for manga, I rarely had the chance to check up on my LJ account. If I did, then I was too lazy to do so.

So...things that I did starting from my last post.

1. I went biking a lot more often. I always enjoyed biking more anything, so I went biking many times with my friend.
2. I went to Harvest Crusade. Harvest Crusade is an event at Angels' Stadium that is focused around worshiping and learning about God. Being a Christian, I definitely enjoyed it. Every single seat in the stadium was filled and more. What really amazed me was the end activity where everybody walked down into the field if they believe in God.
3. I went to a lot of midnight showings. I went to Harry Pothead: and the Half-Black Prince(just kidding ^^;;), Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, and some other one that I probably forgot. I definitely enjoyed Transformers 2 the most. I came in a huge group and it was nearly impossible to find good seats. With my amazingly angelic face(chyeah right), I asked around and happened to find three seats, one for myself, that were perfect. Everybody else in my group split up and had bad seats. I'm so proud of myself for that. :D
4. I started a new school year and I thought it would be horrible because of the drama I had to go through the previous year, but I am definitely enjoying my year so far. Apparently, the girl that I had a problem with last year has infuriated her own best friends this year, so they chose to distance themselves away from her. Those same people who distanced themselves from the girl were never close to me last year, but now we're always together like close friends.
5. I bought my mom a Coach handbag and wallet worth $540-ish. I love my mom and I think she definitely deserves the best. I do feel bad because I used my dad's credit card. I'm only in high school so I don't have that much money to buy something like that, but it's the thought that count...right?

It's definitely starting off to be a good year. <3

MY GOAL! I plan to start coming back to LiveJournal. I just need to settle down and manage my time wisely. What I've really wanted to do is release my large folder of icons that I have. I've been shoving a lot of the icons I do into the folder and I want to release it before it becomes too much for me to handle. :P All in all, you'll definitely be seeing me more often. Sorry if that is a disappointment. :]

my life, livejournal, school

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