I lost my glasses...

Dec 10, 2009 15:27

Hmm...I wonder where I put my glasses. They're not exactly lost. They're just not found. :P Since I don have my glasses, I'm stuck to using my iPhone as an alternative computer. I noticed at school today that my vision is a bit worse than usual. Objects or words on the board are a bit harder to read. I have no idea whether it's just an off day for my eyes, the poor lighting in my class, or some other funky reason. Now that I've come home, I do t want to risk my vision with the bright light coming from my computer screen and laptop.

I felt a real urge to post something today. I have a tendancy to leave long periods inbeteeen posts, but I reall wanted to post something about my life today. It's nothig big, but it's only a small life update.

My brother, who goes to UCSC, is coming home today. I'm glad that he's coming home, however, i'm not expecting a birthday present from him because he didn't get me one so I don't want to see his face. D<

I'm still working on icons. I've been a little bored lately so maybe I'll kill time by messing around with Photoshop.I haven't done that in a while so I need to use Photoshop or else my skills will become rusty...not that I have any skills. >.>

That's it for now. See you later! ^____^V

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

my life, blahh, school, via ljapp, iphone

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