Welcome to the world of black holes of blahhhhh....

Aug 23, 2009 18:23

I couldn't think of any other title. I thought, "Welcome to...__________," but then all of a sudden I had the thought of black holes for some reason. Oh yes, it was because whoever friends me tends to get sucked or be sucked in to the world of JE. xD Muha ha ha. I just made a punny. xD I'm so punny. :]

That seems to be what I say a lot now in real life: "I made a punny! -Pause for a little laugh- I'm so punny. :]"

Welcome to all the new friends I made at the JE friending meme!
If I forgot you then I'm truly sorry. D: Please tell me if I do. :D Just to introduce myself, I'm kgiie but you can call me kgiie, Giie-chan, Flipp-chan, or whatever floats your boat. I love JE, if you haven't noticed and if you love it too, then I'm very concern we will get along. I don't bite and I love making friends so please don't be afraid to talk to me. :]

So I haven't posted in a while and I realized I'm the type of person who is waaaaaaaaaaaay too lazy to post anything. I'd much go around commenting my f-list entries instead because posting an entry takes a lot of work. You have to type a lot, think about thinks as you type, and stare at the screen. Too much...D:

So I went to the pool party the only day and found out I EAT DUST when it comes to pool. The person's house had a pool table and I ATE DUST. T_T I also learned that I didn't inherit my brother's amazing pool skills. D: We also played 3 rounds of mafia. On the first round, I was killed right away. Reason? My brother was one of the killers...-_- Well...not really the reason why. They pointed to someone next to me but the narrator thought they pointed at me so I died. Either way, my brother would have killed me. Jerk...-_- Second and third round I was the cop and only died in one of them. YOSH! >D If any of you have never played played mafia (the one with killers, nurses, and cops) then I highly suggest you play it. Just google the game. Really fun when you have a lot of people. The rest of the weekend was mostly church stuff but that was my weekend. :D

I truly hate talking about myself in entries because then I think it makes me sound like I'm conceited so I try to sly away from me and go into other topics. While I was typing this, I said to myself "Too much me!" D: The only thing that kept me going was because I had my daily dose of JE and I had Because I'm Stupid by SS501 from Boys Over Flowers on the whole time. The things I do to keep myself on task...xD

Just a daily dose of JE for anybody else out there who is interested. This is what goes on in my mind...

image Click to view

I CANNOT get enough of Massu in this. And Tegoshi can dance. o.o I just didn't believe it because they were always a little sloppy in the dance parts during their concerts. That's just my opinion about the sloppiness. Don't bash me. D: If only Massu danced in the commercial because I think he's the best dancer, if not best then definitely tied with Yamapi, in NewS.

And no LJ cut this time cause I'm too lazy to do it and I always fail to do it unless I try a gazillion times.

i'm laaaaaaaazy d:. my life, welcome

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