The Toybox Legacy (Generation 6.3)

Jun 17, 2013 22:40

Spouse by runningbee.
Featuring sims by stakeit_uk and boolpropbea


Share and Tenderheart were born
Half the family preferred to sleep on the hammock in the snow than their own beds
Kiribati died of old age, Starscream didn't care at all
Cheer took over Kiribati's duties of standing inappropriately while people take baths and showers
Cheer became a teenager

Now, because that stats image of Cheer went missing and couldn't be in the last update, here's a new one.

It took two attempts to get her profile photo just right.

Share: Can you wash Moomoo too?

Seriously, why doesn't anyone actually sleep in their own beds, where it's nice and warm?

And why does Aurelius have such a fear of alarms that Buckaroo can't even mention them without causing a breakdown?

Aurelius: MAKE IT STOP!

Oh right, I forgot Starscream had food poisoning. You know it's not pregnancy when the vomit magically floats above your neck!

Kenton (stakeit_uk) and some old lady entered the house to play video games.

There was some nice outcomes to it.

Granted, they already owned it, but something to sell for more money is always nice.

Buckaroo spends his nights on the beach treating the local suspicious wolf-dog thing like his pet.

Aurelius: Just don't knock over my sandcastles.

Funshine takes after his father in that regard.

Funshine: This family is bugging me, I'm going to live in peace in my glorious sand city. Maybe start a new civilization, see what being a dictator is like.

I'm hoping Tenderheart won't turn out to be another Cheer.

On the subject of Cheer, shouting at every opportunity doesn't seem to be working out for her.

And some of Buckaroo shines through Starscream.

Starscream: Exquisite. The decadently light texture of this confection truly excite my tastebuds.
Very passionate about those cookies there.

At first, that seemed cute. But looking a little closer...

Cheer: I'm going to destroy your sand empire.

If anything, the weeds are going to destroy the sand empire. Really need to get a gardener onto that.

Aurelius: When Starscream vomits like this it usually means there's a baby inside her...

Aurelius: Oh dear...

The crib became a bit busy once the family realised that nobody had pestered the sleeping baby in over 5 minutes.

Cheer in particular is dedicated enough to sacrifice sleep and food to check up on him.


Yes, let's get the children onto bubbles underage.

They really love it. Just look at Funshine sticking his entire face into the blower. I fear for this next generation.

Aurelius: Feed me, I think I'm dying!
-There's food right behind you-
Aurelius: I don't have time to feed myself!

Funshine was blowing bubbles for so long he didn't realise it was his time to age.

Funshine: Oooh, sparkles. I think the bubbles went straight to my head...

As well as Tenderheart's birthday, which a lot of people felt appropriate to celebrate in their sleepwear.

He aged as a dragon, he will be forever a dragon.

Since it worked so well over at the Chia's, I got Starscream to use the thinking cap more too.

It had some unfortunate side effects.

Starscream:Konnichiwa, kids, how you all doing? Why is the floor wet?

Starscream: Mmm, coffee...

Buckaroo spends his nights getting high on the beach in his underwear. Quite a sad state for what was once a noble man.

As for Aurelius...

Nose Marie: What are you doing?
Aurelius: The sooner I get Funshine's empire built, the sooner I can be vice president.

I missed Tenderheart wedding himself but it was apparently so traumatising that it made his dragon hat merge with the kotatsu.

Funshine seems to be going down Buckaroo's route.


Funshine: Is it bad that I feel a little out of place?

Also, now that there are no more toddlers to pester, the family has taken to gathering round inanimate objects instead.

Tenderheart: Can I feed the bar?

God bless you Nose Marie, for autonomously doing more gardening work than the actual gardener that was hired. This is why I love you.

Who needs outerwear when you have sleepwear?

Tenderheart: Where did all these trees come from?

According to Maxis, this is how someone who plays real time strategy games for a living dresses for work. I have my doubts. Maybe one of the job requirements is that she cosplays on the side?

Having maximum logic skill I can understand, however.

There were a couple of chance cards over the next couple of days.


And to top it all off:

Although what do you expect when you spend all day getting high on bubbles?

Now, let's be fair on Funshine. He did play a bit of chess with Milton (stakeit_uk)

Gaul (boolpropbea) was also hanging around, having a few drinks with Cheer.

Gaul: You know, I think you're probably the third best person I've met so far.
Cheer: THIRD?

Now, sadly after this part the game would crash after a certain point, so I've decided to age up the two remaining children and end this generation a couple of days early.


So who shall advance forward? As always, vote in the poll below, or write your preferred sim in the comments if the poll isn't working!



1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2| 2.3
3.0| 3.1| 3.2| 3.3
4.0|4.1| 4.2| 4.3
5.0| 5.1| 5.2| 5.3
6.0| 6.1| 6.2

toybox legacy, pixel_trade

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