The Toybox Legacy (Generation 6.0)

Jan 20, 2013 00:39

Featuring sims by stakeit_uk, slyndsey, katu_sims, needlecream, wooden_badger dragonfly3007, kathsy and runningbee!


Optimus Prime was a dick, not only to Bumblebee but also to other relatives and to a potential date.
Starscream developed an addiction to anime and J-pop and eventually matured into weeaboo territory.
Buckaroo couldn't figure his was around a notebook.
Sim-eating furniture ate sims.
The maid sacrificed himself to save the world off-screen. Everyone's minds were erased.
Bumblebee began to be a bitch to Optimus. Not surprising really.
Everyone became a teenager

First off, a bit of explaining. I recently revisited my anime neighbourhood for the first time in probably a year, and realised how giant and mostly-empty it was. On the other hand, the legacy hood had no more space on it whatsoever (probably because I stupidly decided to place it on the Moon Islands template). So I did what I had to and merged the two. So if you see anime characters randomly wandering around in future updates you know why. Also as an early Christmas present, my boyfriend updated my Expansion/Stuff Pack collection. Yay, new shiny things! :D

But anyway, in the process of transferring everyone to animeland, I moved the main Toybox household in with the spares so family ties wouldn't be lost. Thanks to the good old ACR mod I found out this didn't make that much difference in the most horrifying way.



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So after that initial disturbance I kicked the teens to university before they got incested by Cherries. (The lovely dorm they'll be staying in was made by kbm.designs at modthesims btw)

Kiribati (stakeit_uk): My god, you grew up with my hairstyle.

Kiribati: GO GET 'EM, GIRL. *sniff*

So, our now-YA sims as follows...

Optimus Prime...





And Grimlock!

And the heir for Generation 6 is...


Starscream: SUGOI!

And so onward with the tradition of using each uni spare's free turn to study either charisma or mechanical.

Grimlock: Hello Mr. Vampire, is the holy tree stump in your life? The Great Holy Tree Stump will forgive your sins if you...

I can't tell if Starscream is watching the weather or eyeing up that dormie's nose.

It didn't take long for the fights to break out.

Optimus Prime: Lapdancing your brother!? You're worse than Uncle Monopoly!
Bumblebee: I was just climbing over him!

Megatron: Yay Optimus!

Megatron: I knew it was a good idea cheering for the guy who won last time.

Bumblebee: Dear diary, I hope that dick Optimus gets kidnapped by an army of gnomes.

Thanks to the whole "ask to join group research" interaction the spares are so immersed by their books that they don't even notice the naked man strolling by.

Turns out said naked man is the resident "idiot trapped dormie" this year.

I dunno, maybe you get out the same way you got in?

Soundwave: Erm... hurray!

Soundwave: I didn't actually have a preference to who won, you're both losers.

After getting good grades on her first exam, Starscream went out to both shop and look for, in her words, "Totally kawaii guys". She found Newman (slyndsey) at the manga store but apparently he wasn't "kawaii" enough. Better luck next time I guess.

For the record, I have no idea who this nor who invited him to stay the night.


Apparently Starscreams room is the hot new place to hang out now.

Go to your own damn dorm rooms!

Optimus Prime: But I'm so damn lonely.

Soundwave is so damn cool he only plays poker with dormies and llamas now.

Bumblebee: Aw man, I'm so strong and badass now!

Bumblebee: *SNORE*

Out of curiosity I made Jeff the moronic streaker selectable so I could see how his needs were, since he has been stuck there for a good half a semester now, and his "You won't let me sleep you bitch!" popups appearing every 5 minutes were getting annoying.

Holy hell, he should be dead by now! Is he immortal?

I'm guessing yes, since when I finally let him out under the assumption he'd die straight after, he ran away, came back to complain how he could no longer fit behind the staircase...

Then passed out for a while, got up and left again.

What a cop-out, my own sims drop dead after a day without food and this guy survives perfectly fine with nothing at all for the sim equivalent of several months! SHENANIGANS.

So, after another exam success, it's time for another attempt at Starscream to find true love. Trust me, she needs it. She's the first controllable heir who's had to put up with the Social Bunny pestering her constantly. At least he's making her laugh I guess.

Nothing happened other than Mesmer Dork katu_sims staring at her while she ate her greasy hamburger.

Even when she returned to the dorm Starscream refused to have dinner with her.

Starscream: Itadakimasu~
Soundwave: Fuck this, I'm switching tables.

She hunted him down and insisted he play slumber party poker with the rest of the younger siblings.

Optimus Prime: I'm the best damn kisser in the world you know. Hooked up with two sexy Korean twins in my teenage years, they were all over me the moment they saw my silky soft beak.
Bumblebee: Pfft. Phony.

Optimus Prime: TAKE THAT BACK!

Optimus Prime: See babe? Didn't you see how smooth that was?
Dormie: Have you tried these pancakes? They're really something.

I thought trapped streaker was bad, but during forced-study time Soundwave was trapped behind a table for the good part of 2 hours.

Surprisingly it wasn't him who did badly on that exam.

Megatron: Who needs exams when you're a rooster? Huh? HUH?

Grimlock: No guys, don't fight! What would the great holy tree trunk say?

For the first time it seems that a spare have found a love interest before the heir does.

And she seems interested too!

As much as I love to abuse the dormies, they do make a cute couple. I ship it.

I mean, look at him, he's so happy. Even Optimus Prime seems proud. Or maybe he's just smug because now he can use the distraction to beat him at poker.

Bumblebee: Did you talk to my brother? DID YOU? YOU BASTARD. GO JUMP IN THE INCINERATOR.

Another attempt to get out and find a partner didn't really bring up many options. I blame merging the legacy hood with the anime hood. On the upside, more space. On the downside, anyone who ever visits community lots anymore are either anime sims or non-Pixel Trade townies, and it was getting Starscream slightly miffed.

Speaking of which...

Sorry, you're only allowed to marry sims I didn't make myself.

But you can have a friendly game of poker together.

Starscream: Look, I can levitate cards with my hands! I have posters of you in my room!

L: I can't be the only person who finds that crazed woman sat next to me suspicious.

Eventually Piper (needlecream) joined them too.

And then...

Starscream: Grandma! What are you doing here?
Nose Marie: Just checking your progress. Have you scored yet?

Well, no luck. I thought getting rid of as many maxis default townies as possible would give Starscream a better chance, as like I said before, when it wasn't an anime sim, it was a maxis sim. Unfortunately that mean Megatron and Soundwave's respective love interests no longer exist. D:
But on the upside, thanks to the default face templates I downloaded, some of the replacement dormies are cute as a button.

Dormie: Like me?
Yes, like you. For a split second I almost wished this wasn't a Pixel Trade legacy.

Really, I should be paying attention to Bumblebee bitchslapping Optimus, but I can't keep my eyes on the dormie that's wearing a Quarian helmet without the mask.

I had to select her for makeover purposes. If you're going to pretend to be a Quarian, do it properly.

I say properly, but I'm pretty sure your average Quarian would still die with that much skin exposed.

This is actually getting boring now.

So, back to another day out for Starscream. Hi, Spencer (wooden_badger), Lisabeth (dragonfly3007) and Aisling (kathsy), who somehow manages to find her way into every one of my updates.

While it turned out Starscream wasn't all that interested in Spencer, I couldn't help but notice how much he was enjoying his lobster.

This would have been a somewhat mundane thing to show interest in if it wasn't for the restaurant they were both in at the time:

McDonalds has apparently become really upmarket these days.

So, after consuming her gourmet McDonalds to the nearby coffee shop, where she finally meets someone she might be compatible with, Aurelius (runningbee)

Starscream: Now that's what I call a kawaii bishounen guy!

Well, chat him up then!

Starscream: You know, there's chairs behind us.

Starscream: Now what?
You go home, build a sinister-looking snowman then ask him on a date.

Soundwave and Grimlock play strip poker with Lola (slyndsey), where Soundwave proved he was a master of stealth.

One exam later...

Tough break Megatron. ):

To add insult to injury he ages with a hideous haircut.

soundwave: That's the ugliest effing hair.

And the only person to say goodbye to him is his controllable weeaboo twin.

Goodbye Megatron!

For a moment I thought they were throwing a snowball at each other. That would have been much more challenging.

But for now it's time for that first date with Aurelius!

Starscream: Is it warm in here?
Aurelius: You're not the one wearing a T-shirt with snow coming to her knees.

The date went well.

Then it was time for the all-important first kiss.


Good job showing your potential boyfriend that you're not a crazy desperate person.

At first I wondered if there was a special cutscene for a kiss reject, since I've only had rejected kisses when I turned cutscenes off, but no, she's certain.

Thankfully she had a real kiss shortly after.

Then when she got home, Grimlock also had his (real) first kiss with Lola.

It came very out of the blue, but it turns out they're crazy for each other.

Meanwhile, Soundwave has expressed his interest in Lisabeth with Travis (slyndsey) and some other dormie. I have no recollection that they even met before so I'm just assuming maybe Starscream described her and he was smitten from word of mouth.

And Bumblebee has gained maximum body skill. I'm assuming the idea of pummeling Optimus Prime without any side-effects was motivation.

Oh Optimus, you are forever screwed.

Optimus Prime: How the fuck do I get up this staircase...

Optimus Prime: ...when there's a staircase in the way!?

Though let's be fair, Bumblebee may be physically superior, but she's not exactly bright either.


A hot naked dormie entered Soundwave's room and drove him away.

On another date with Aurelius merely sitting down was enough to prompt both parties to fall in love.

There was one thing for it.

Starscream: Baby, if you be my husband you can have all the chairs you want.

Aurelius: Then let's get a chair just like this ring.

And in true Toybox fashion, once you're engaged, you take each others virginity.

Just look at Aurelius, he's like a young boy who's just discovered Page 3 girls.

The plumbob is never a metaphor.

Madga could be a pervert or just frustrated that the hot tub's in use.


Nose Marie: So you have scored! Excellent.

Then back home, exam time!


And then...

So instead of building up his skills or studying, he tries to reach the same level of body skill as Bumblebee so he can get his own back on all the recent times she's beaten the crap out of him.

Which, by the way, have become such a frequent occurrence that no no-one at all bothers to watch any more when another fight breaks out.

Grimlock: So as you can see I've earned the holy glow of the almighty stump.
Or maybe you just play poker so often that your games enthusiasm is through the roof.

Soundwave is just desperate.

Bumblebee: I'm just getting my pool cue.

Grimlock: BOW.

Dormies are still inviting themselves into Starscreams room. She doesn't seem to care.

Even when they view her erotic Naruto fanfiction.

Also, damn it you two, you're making me wish Grimlock was voted heir!

I've got to make a spare update with these two following this.

And so, it's time for graduation. For Starscream, Grimlock and Bumblebee that is. Soundwave and Optimus, you were (and in Soundwave's case, are again) on academic probation.

Grimlock: Finally I can leave this crazy house and join the holy church of wood!

And so Starscream ages right in front of a despairing Soundwave...

And Optimus Prime is surprisingly the only one to say goodbye...

...Before she hops into the taxi in her pajamas and prepares to start heir duties such as having sex.


1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2| 2.3
3.0| 3.1| 3.2| 3.3
4.0|4.1| 4.2| 4.3
5.0| 5.1| 5.2| 5.3

sims 2, toybox legacy, pixel_trade

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