The Toybox Legacy (Generation 5.1)

Oct 29, 2012 11:50

Generation 5 spouse by zip_itsims.
Generation 4 spouse by alexination

Featuring sims by keoni_sims, katu_sims, sounseelie and kathsy!


Generation 5 started as the Family Game kids started college.
Buckaroo matured from standard snob to stereotypical British gentleman and was thus crowned heir.
A dormie survived 3 and a half years of being "trapped" behind a chair she could easily walk past, before starving to death.
Buckaroo was very picky about picking his future bride. He eventually settled for Kiribati Apia (zip_itsims).
Naked Dormie Jesus paid a visit.
Jenga got into multiple bitchfights.
The spares became addicted to junkfood to the point where it was impossible for them to walk because they were surrounded by crisp packets and nothingness.
All the spares apart from Monopoly were put on Academic probation and left behind at the dorm.

Nose Marie: It's so great having the house to myself and my wife, can just sit back and...

Sorry Nose Marie, but your eldest son is moving back in and taking over.

But anyway, this has been the only promotion Lorin has gained. Still pretty impressive I guess, it took her an entire generation to get it.

Also, chance card! DUN DUN DUN.

Although let's be honest here. Nose Marie has already achieved her lifetime want, and the Toyboxes have got a decent amount to survive on. It wouldn't really matter if she got fired at this point. Still...


That'll be enough for a nice wedding and a complete re-building of the house. Speaking of wedding, the morning of Buckaroo's and apparently Nose Marie is already drunk.

She and Lorin then got dirty on the couch as the guests were arriving. Come on girls, it's your son's wedding! At least get changed!

Poor Bright Eyes. ):


Attending a wedding in your pyjamas. Classy, Lorin.

Also, hi Skylar (keoni_sims), GlaDOS (katu_sims) and Monroe (sounseelie).


Yes, they were swimming in their formalwear. Again, classy.

Ah well, wedding time!

Aaaw, our fine chum looks so happy.

However, most of the guests actually missed the vows because they were too busy being taught by Aisling how to walk on water.

Oh come on, it was her wedding day, you grumpy old crows!

They were both amazed that I got a wedding cake other than the Maxis default.

She only brought in $2000 but that's okay as Nose Marie got that gigantic bonus!

So, I totally built a candy mansion.

What? Don't tell me you wouldn't build a candy house if you were filthy rich. Or had access to one of those gingerbread house kits. Christmas is coming, you're probably seeing those in shops now.

And mere minutes after joining the family, Kiribati had an accident. I think that's the quickest a move-in has failed so far! Congrats!

Buckaroo: You mean one has married a filthy lout? Good grief! One wishes for a divorce!
Kiribati: You're the one who's almost standing in it!

And a few minutes later, cue breakdown.

Good girl Lorin, let you and your teleporting piss take the attention off Kiribati, poor girl has barely settled in yet.

After cleaning herself up, it's time for more important matters.

Kiribati: 'Mmmm....Remington Jitmakusol...'

She woke up minutes later because she thought that even the plates were comfier than that bed.


Now she's pregnant. Considering how she was before they even had sex, I'm a bit concerned she won't even survive pregnancy. Also, her vomit almost matches.

Kiribati: Do you know if there's any difference between human and alien pregna-
Lorin: We're busy.
Kiribati: Can I join?

Lorin: We're done.
Nose Marie: Wow, I don't look like I'm sick any more!

I'm starting to get suspicions that the marry-ins were cheating on their spouses with each other when I'm not looking.

Nose Marie, why are you even bothering? You're already tan, are you trying to give yourself skin cancer?

Nose Marie: DERP DERP.

Ageing time!

My suspicions were confirmed, it seems all women Toyboxes have got a glitch that fucks with their face as they age. Thankfully with Nose Marie, it's not as bad as Party (and with Party it wasn't as bad as Lego), so hopefully within a few generations the facial structure will be of a normal appearance, sort of like a mini Ugry Ugries challenge.

Still looked very off though, so reconstructive surgery it was. Sadly, as the insim options are limited, I still couldn't fix much. So until I know how to fix this glitch, she'll just have a slightly more flattering hairstyle.

Lorin waited until she got back from work to age.

She aged better than Nose Marie but she still got new hair.

Um, Nose Marie? Your bed is right behind you.

Kiribati: Oh! My bump almost matches the walls!

Seriously, there has to be something going on between those two.

Kiribati: So... here we are. Alone. In our underwear. You're building a sandcastle of love...



Thankfully a session with Bodyshop and SimPE later and Nose Marie finally looks like Nose Marie and not a badly-done wax model of Nose Marie.

Kiribati: My bump no longer matches the walls. Life is good.

They really do spend too much time together in their underwear.

The tradition has returned!

All hail uncontrollable failure!

Of course Buckaroo was worried for his pregnant wife.

He got over it after a second.

It was then time to get a start on Buckaroo's lifetime aspiration, to reach the top of the intelligence career. Off to work he goes!

And barely seconds after leaving, the kitchen set on fire. Good job!

Kiribati: You're aiming for the wrong area!

Kiribati: And so, the stove burned down along with my meal! Heh, aren't firefighters idiots, Jimmy?

The family were so hungry afterwards that they were too invested in dinner to pay any attention to Kiribati giving birth at the table.

It's time for a new generation naming theme! Well, my boyfriend wouldn't be impressed if I had a toy-themed legacy and didn't have a generation with this theme, so this next lot of kids will be named after Transformers!

And of course, this little boy will be named Optimus Prime.

So, after all the stress of pregnancy and a newborn child and that last pregnancy almost killing Kiribati, it's time to sit back, relax and watch little Optimus grow, right?


Buckaroo: Ooh I say!

Lorin: So, this is his crib, yes?
Kiribati: Don't ask me, I'm making the most of not being pregnant while I can!

Too late.

Poor Nose Marie. The first sim other than Buckaroo to actually pay attention to the wee baby Optimus and he repays her with vomit. You're a little shit, Optimus. That said, how long has he been lying in that soiled nappy?


His new uniform makes him look like he's in the Matrix.

We finally get to see Kiribati go to work too. Just like Mr. Noe Whiskers, she's also a superhero!


Well, the first day we see Kiribati at work and she's instantly fired. That was short-lived.

Though good enough timing considering as soon as she got in she would have had to start another round of maternity leave anyway.

On the upside, while Kiribati's been fired, Nose Marie is still at the top of the career track and Buckaroo's on his way up.

Of course, Lorin is still working too, but she's pretty much insignificant.

Lorin: Isn't being the only one yet to soil themselves today a simply wonderful feeling?

Lorin: Ah, damn it.

For some weird reason when Buckaroo made lunch today, he decided to serve it in the bathroom as opposed to the kitchen. Underneath a bunch of hygiene products at that. Yeah, I'm stumped as to why too.

From that expression I swear whenever Kiribati pops it's like an orgasm.

It's Optimus' birthday! No-one but Buckaroo actually gave a crap.

Which is a shame really, as he turned out really cute.

Kiribati, that's not how you potty train your child!

Just more Optimus cuteness.

Ah, I see you too have learned the ways of the teleporting urine.

Or maybe that was your waters breaking.

Buckaroo: Why must you always give birth at the table, you scoundrel!

It's a girl!

And she shall be called Bumblebee.

Optimus Prime: But what about mee?

Don't worry, sweetie, everyone is still queuing up for your love. Unfortunately it's when you're asleep.

That's right marry-ins, cry together. Share your true feelings.


Optimus Prime: Oh, Bun-bun, you're the love of my life.

Optimus Prime: WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME?

Kiribati: Jesus Christ child, can't you ever clean up after yourself?

She ignored Bumblebee in favour of getting stoned.

Then passed out in the bathroom following a bout of bad morning sickness. The whole getting stoned part probably didn't help matters.

Downstairs, Lorin was bursting into tears over the sight of cereal.

Buckaroo: Oh, do put a sock in it, mother.

Later that day, the children were ready to age! First, Bumblebee...

Sorry, I had to. I just had to. How can you not name a child bumblebee and dress them up like that? It's just impossible.

Then it was Optimus' turn, Kiribati deciding it was the perfect time to make him deaf.

He's a cute kid.

Kiribati: Preparing this bedroom has made us broke. You better be briggin' happy.

Kiribati: Share a bed with my son? What kind of idiot do you take me for?

Bear in mind, Optimus Prime didn't raid his parent's bed because he didn't appreciate his room. It was because Nose Marie didn't appreciate hers.

Meanwhile Bumblebee, being ignored by most of the family, feeds herself bricks. That'll keep her strong and healthy.

Kiribati: My mother-in-law is cleaning the child who I've been ignoring since her birth? Please kill me.

Kiribati: Doesn't she understand? Bathtubs are for sailing!

Buckaroo leaves for work as Optimus Prime returns from school. No welcome hugs here. ):

Buckaroo: Ruddy work, one hates work.

And once he left for work, that was it for Bumblebee regarding attention.

Bumblebee: I'm just here... waiting. Come up if you need me. I'll just be here counting the colours of my crib. Again.

Ah, this again. Well, it is more hygenic than the pee-in-front-of-the-toilet tradition. Though it doesn't help that it's not even her bed.

I think I neglected to mention that Kiribati banged Buckaroo straight after giving birth again.

Damn right, that was a good week, you got 2 promotions in a few days!

Now, to make that 3 Buckaroo needed to get 3 cleaning skill points in one day. The maid always cleans up after him. There was only one option.

Yes, Buckaroo, you look ridiculous.

Now read, Buckaroo, READ! Read like a panicking student!

And so more child neglect later and Bumblebee has passed out.

Nose Marie: Don't blame me don't blame me

Buckaroo: Ah, Dumbledore old chum, how you you feel about taking in my dear Optimus for a spiffing good magical education? No, no, that's not snoring you hear.

Sorry Kiribati, it doesn't quite work that way.

But on the upside, stupid hat worked!

I think that's the quickest I've ever got a sim to reach their lifetime want. Go me!

Celebratory hug!

And childbirth! This time not at the dinner table!

Twins! A boy with human skin and alien eyes and a girl with human/cat eyes and alien skin.

Named Megatron...

...And Starscream.

More updates whenever I feel like it!


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sims 2, toybox legacy, pixel_trade

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