The Twiddle Legacy: The Finale

Mar 28, 2010 20:01

I know Sims legacies are supposed to last 10 generations, but guess what? Yup, my game broke again. And although my other neighbourhoods were saved, somehow the Twiddle neighbourhood was the only one directly affected by this glitch, and therefore I can no longer play it. I've done all I can. ;_;
I'll be starting a new legacy soon enough, since let's face it, I enjoyed myself.
So, here's what happened before the fatal error. Yeah, not much of an ending, right?

Still, The Twiddles are the longest-surviving legacy I've had so far.


Lettuce married Trina, and was refused a hug from his own aunt.
Together they spawned the first child of generation 4, this generation's theme being Phoenix Wright characters. Therefore, the first child's name is a bit obvious.
Emilien got tanned and Lauren got sunburnt, yay contrast.
Lettuce's boss is a terrible loser.


I bet you could easily fit a beach ball in that enormous mouth.

Huge mouth or not, Phoenix is still the most adorable Twiddle toddler I've had so far.

And so you should be grinning, Batty.

You know how I said Battenberg becomes more like his father every day? I stand by that statement.

Get the hell back to your own bed!

Battenberg: But the little brat is hogging it!

Battenberg: But isn't he precious~? Like a little sleeping angel...

Pop again.

Batty hasn't really gotten to know his daughter-in-law that well yet. Rather than sitting her down for a friendly chat, he instead analyses her with his demon eyes.

This is how Elizabeth and Lauren bond.

Elizabeth: 'I must beat her, I can't lose to someone who looks like a grey-haired Doctor Zoidberg...'

Is he even any good at cooking? Let's serve salad, to be safe...

Dammit. D:

Emilien: Wheeeeeeee~

Whoo! Creativity skill maximised!


Somehow Elizabeth became a military woman overnight.

So while Lauren's sunburn began to produce steam...

...Trina proceeded to give birth in the kitchen.

It's a girl!

Continuing with the Phoenix Wright theme, I'll look on the Wiki article and name her... Franziska.


Battenberg: I can handle babies way better than you can, LOL.

Anyone think the look on Lettuce's face is kind of shifty? I'm worried he may be about to do something terrible to poor Strawberry.

I mean, she seems to be okay with Franziska.

Alright, maybe not.

Phoenix: You're not Gramp-Gramp, put me down! I'm clinging for dear life!

If you're wondering what the other Gen. 3 kids are doing, it is of course a certain person's birthday...

She's a rather glamorous granny if I do say so myself.

At least Strawberry's more sensible than Banana and actually hands Franziska over when she doesn't want her anymore.

Friend-Trina-Brought-From-Work: Someone please get this fatso out the way, he's blocking my friggin' view!

That's right, we've got three birthdays in a single day.

Phoenix first.

Phoenix: Mine! *Grabbyhands*

Let's see how he turned out...

His eyes were like pinpricks. The huge nerd-glasses somehow make them look bigger, therefore he's now a glasses-wearer. Plus they're cute. <3

Alright, Batty next.

Battenberg: I know ladies, I know, I'm going to be a silver fox, clam yourselves, dears.

Battenberg: I said calm yourselves!

Battenberg: Just wait while I scratch my face...

Battenberg: And pout at the camera...

Battenberg: Yaaay~! *HappyClap*

And he turned out like this...

Barely any different.

Aaah~ Phoenix is so helpful~ <3

Creativity maximised! :D

First day at school.

Oh crap! D:

Glitched clothing is nearly always a sign the game's about to die.


Phoenix: Congrats, mummy.
Elizabeth: Woot woot!


Trina: Another one?! I'm getting sick to death of all these cakes!

Yes, she's put on a spot of weight. The cake is proving too much for poor Lizzie.

Lettuce: Yes, someday you too will look as gorgeous as your mother.

I'd imagine that won't be too hard, since Franziska turned out adorable!

Get her walking the moment she's aged up.

And so we end with this final thought...

What the hell is that bizarre aura surrounding Phoenix?! I mean seriously, it's like he's the Sim-personification of Saturn!

Actually... Hetalia with planets instead of countries, there's an idea...


1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2| 2.3| 2.2| 2.4


sims 2, twiddle legacy

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