The Twiddle Legacy (Generation 2.3)

Mar 06, 2010 23:15

IN THIS EPISODE: Hardly anything other than aging spam. And cute little kiddiwinks. <3


A magical genie arrived, and gave Batty and Emilien longer lives/peace of mind
The daughters aged up.
Elizabeth gave birth to another two sons
Shortest pregnancy ever

Does anyone else feel that the grandparents take more care of the little-uns than their actual parents?

Cleaning up after all those kids is a nightmare. Time to bring in the maid!

Banana brought a friend home from school today!

It's cousin Cookie! (Soufflé's daughter)

She looks more like her father. D:

Banana: You're a maths genius, right?


She also has an amazing ability to morph into a table.



By the way, did you see what he goes to work in now?

Celebrity limo FTW

Still makes a lot less than the rest of the family.

At least she's fitting in with the family. A little too much though, being honest.

Elizabeth: 'Sup, Mother-in-law?


Battenberg: Everybody HOLLAAAA!


Strawberry: WHY GOD WHY?

Everyone's either too tired or too busy to make breakfast.

At least until after the kids have already left.

Lauren: This soup tastes like ice cream.

Wait a sec? I thought Emilien was a songwriter, not a professor!
No wonder he's fed up! Field Work. D:<

Yay. :D

Strawberry: Hi, Aunt who reminds me of myself!
Cupcake: Wow, you're short.

My god, that's a lot of birthdays in the next few days. D:
Then straight after the birthdays mentioned, Strawberry and Lettuce grow up! Everyone's aging apart from Batty and Elizabeth! :O

Battenberg: I make so much more money than my wife. :D


I find it so adorable when the kids are playing together. :'D

Now GTFO to school, we've got a party to throw.



Lettuce: When I grow up, I want to be just like Aunt Soufflé.

And you shall! Because you turned out adorable!

I have a feeling he will turn out like Soufflé. In the "Youngest-but-most-beautiful-child" sense.

Check out Batty's awesome fish impression!

Now it's Lauren's turn.

Then entire building chants "O.A.P! O.A.P! O.A.P!"


You know, if it wasn't for the white hair, you probably wouldn't be able to tell she was now a little old lady. (Why's Lakshimi surgically removing Soufflé's internal organs?)

Hey, since we're aging everyone up, let's make Lauren's friends old too.

Boogie down, Broccoli.

Another picture of Lettuce, because he's so cute. :'D

Lauren's new uniform is made of win.

It's almost the same size as Banana! Can she even hold it properly?

More Lettuce-spam.


"Once upon a time, there was a magical xylophone..." could drive the xylophone like a car, it was awesome...

Broccoli: ...

If you really wanted, you could do your personal business in the xylophone...

Broccoli: Woman, you disgust me.

Triple-Birthday Party now!

It's so busy the party had to be taken outside.

No legacy party is complete without a group smustle!

Geez Battenberg, I know you've disliked flames since the fire incident, but give Broccoli a chance!

He turned out purty. :'D

Strawberry: What the hell is an old woman with a mohawk doing at my party?

Strawberry: Screw it... *Puff*


Congratulations! You are now a persocom! :D

Strawberry Twiddle
Zodiac: Virgo
Aspiration: Money
Lifetime Want: Become Hall of Famer

Neat: 9
Shy: 1
Active: 10
Serious: 3
Nice: 6

Emilien was too busy sunbathing to pay any attention to this.

But he needs to get up at some point, people are wanting their cake!

Emilien: Just wait while I perfect my "old man" face.


At least he actually looks like a granddad now.

By the way, upgraded Broccoli's room.

It's cute how they're still loved-up at their golden age.

After that party, I thought 'Why stop at the bedroom?' I was getting bored of some of the rooms anyway. So I gave the living room, the girl's bedroom sort-of the bathrooms etc. a re-doing. Turned out pretty well imo.

For the hell of it, also added a sauna. Hey' we're rich now, might as well splash out.

Strawberry's towel = <3

Broccoli: Damn you, grandma.

Emilien has the "old man" act down to a T. Work that bad back, oldbie!

Lauren, quit spreading cold-germs to your grandchildren!

At least having a teenager in the house helps a lot.

Strawberry: Get up! Get up you lazy sod, GET UP!

Strawberry: Now kiss your big sister. I COMMAND YOU.

Lettuce: Yes master~ *kiss*

Battenberg's totally ignoring the fact that his youngest daughter quite possibly just built the 8th Wonder of the World.

Battenberg: 'I wonder if I can get a tan from moon rays?'

Lauren: 'I think I might get myself one of those toyboys'

Made Strawberry get a job, since she's got the money aspiration and the old folk have retired now. She wants to work in stocks apparently.

Too bad she's a Babysitter.

I just find this shot so adorable.

Emilien: Well my oh my, I'm seeing double the lovelies!

Some more adorable. Does anyone else agree that Broccoli is cuter as a child than as a toddler?

Well, I suppose that explains why the tickets were cheaper. Let's just keep quiet I guess.

Dammit. D: (I didn't even know workplaces could fine you for poor work performance. Shows how much I know, being miss "only done unpaid work")

But despite this...

Still makes less.

Does anyone else think that Elizabeth looks like some kind of comedy act, what with the uniform and silly posing combined?

Yes, I still find it cute when the kids run out to hug their parents whenever they return from work.

Not bothering throwing a party this time, had too many birthdays these past few days.

Battenberg: When you grow up, you too can get gorgeous girls like her.
Sorry, wife already decided. Chosen heir or not, I have options for both

Y'know how I predicted that Lettuce is going to do a Soufflé in the fact that he'll be both the youngest and cutest? I stand by that prediction. >w<

We end this chapter with more loved-up old folk.



1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2


sims 2, twiddle legacy

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