Cautious Optimism

May 11, 2024 09:09

My minivan has been in the shop much longer this year than I've had it to actually drive. The issue has been trying to get parts for a late-1980s Chevrolet Astro. I called the dealership yesterday, mainly because there seemed to always be a chance that they'd called me and I didn't get the voicemail. The latest update is that the final repairs (which are for the air conditioner, something that we really want to have after dealing with no A/C on the Winnipeg trip last summer) are almost, but not quite done. There's one more part left to go. The part that they initially ordered turned out to be the wrong part, so there is another one on the way. Everything else is done. Here's hoping that we can get the van back before Memorial Day!

minivan, astro

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