House Bunny

Nov 22, 2021 19:57

We think that at least one of the local rabbits has nested either under the wood box or possibly under the house itself. However, this poses a bit of a problem for the bunny, which sometimes finds itself caught between two humans.

A few days ago, this bunny found itself on the sidewalk in front of the wood box with me standing on the porch and Lisa (out of sight in the distance) coming down the walk toward me.

After briefly hesitating as if it didn't know which way to go, the rabbit slipped through a hole in the fence that did not look big enough for it and headed off across the field.

This afternoon, I came outside to wave at the passing afternoon California Zephyr, and startled the bunny as it was foraging in the front yard. It took off as if shot out of gun and fled a safe distance into the field.

Meanwhile, Lisa cleaned out and vacuumed the Astro today and we began trying to pack things into it. This is going to be a challenging trip, with us having camera gear, Westercon material, and also Winnipeg bid stuff to carry, besides incidental things like our own personal luggage.

wildlife, bunny, rabbits

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