misuse of the caps lock

Nov 09, 2004 19:31

One of the things I love about soccer in this country is that you can decide to go the semi-final of a playoff game the day the game is being played, get tickets an hour before kickoff, and still get great seats.

Not to mention the game was SO FREAKING AMAZING. I don't think I've ever seen a soccer game that good in person. In games overall, it ranks right up there with the U.S. beating Mexico in the 2002 World Cup.

This was D.C. United vs. New England Revolution (booooooooo) this past Saturday. My father called Saturday morning and asked if I felt like going. My mother had some community thing she had to do, so she couldn't go (we rubbed it in with her later).

We were even able to get decent beer. Yay! Except: funny story. We returned to our seats with beer and chicken fingers. The usher wouldn't seat us because our seats were in the "family section"--no beer allowed. But he directed us to another section where we could sit and drink our beer at the same time, and the seats were even better. That's what I call a win-win situation.

Anyway, the game rocked, D.C. won, and they're heading to the championship game against L.A. this Sunday after a fairly rocky season. Unfortunately I won't be able to see the game, but I'm OK with that because I'll be in LONDON. Whee!

In fannish news, no yuletide for me this year, but I am happily anticipating the stories. I did sign up for the shacking_up secret santa, which I hope will get me back into the werewolf groove.

And college basketball season starts soon. I am doomed. Who has time to work anymore?

college basketball, soccer, fic challenges

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