
Jul 28, 2008 10:06

I forgot to mention... with my tummy being punky on Friday, I ate several Pepto Bismol tablets. I woke up Saturday morning to... a black tongue. It's one of the side effects of Pepto Bismol chewables, but it definitely freaked me out first thing in the moring, like... did I have a lot of grape popsicles?! And all I could think about was that story of the poison on the edge of the Bible where the guy licks his finger to turn the page and then his tongue turns black and he dies and people stick out their tongues as a greeting to make sure that the person they're meeting is honorable. (Which I had been told was a folk legend in elementary school but is apparently in the plot of In the Name of the Rose?!) anneball thought I was a Chow Chow and stentoriansista thought I was a giraffe, so clearly I'm just weird that way.

Saturday night I fell asleep on the couch while watching Degrassi. I don't know which is worse. Crawled into bed to have one of the worst night's sleep I've had in a long time. I probably woke up 6 times between 12:30 and 6:30, at which point the cat realized I was awake and started meowing at me to come feed her (the cat is very sweet and very talkative when she wants something. Like food), so I stumbled out of bed and did and went back to sleep where I slept fitfully... until 8am. When someone nearby started hammering. And then they stopped. And then they started again. And then they stopped. And then they started what I originally thought was a chop saw but then later decided was an electric leaf blower. And then they stopped. And then they started again. And then they stopped. And then they started again. At which point I was seriously considering yelling out the window and telling them to shut the fuck up but I decided that wasn't polite, so I went back to the couch on the other side of the house to sleep (where I could still hear the leaf blower, but it was quieter) and continued to have really fitful sleep until noon. It was the kind of thing where you go to sleep and you have a bunch of dreams that feel really long and you wake up and it's 10 minutes later? Yeah, it sucked. Dragged myself out of bed, got some food in me and headed to the Uptown to see The Dark Knight with anneball and a friend. I got there wicked early and got in line at 2:30 for a 3:30 show... and was not the first person in line. (anneball, I will repay you for the ticket, I just didn't have any cash on me) We got kickin' seats and the movie was very, very good. I agree with the reviews... it's really not Batman's story, it's Harvey Dent's story and it's the Joker's story... both characters were much more interesting and dynamic than Batman's, who just stands around being conflicted.

The movie ended and it was 6:20 and there was a line down the street to Four Fields to get into the 7:05 show. Went to anneball's apartment to steal books and then I left 20 mintues later, the line was to the corner, around it and then up the street. For a 7pm show on a Sunday. Crazy.

Back at the cat-sitting house, the TV wouldn't turn on (...), so I sat and read on of the books I got while I listened to the people next door have a screaming fight for 45 minutes. At first I thought it was their television or people on the street, but I definitely put my ear to the wall like Nosey McNosersons and yep, this woman was full on screaming (at who? I have no idea). Took a bath, went to bed, left the house this morning and the owners should return tonight. All good in the hood.

Schwinn won't pay for labor to fix the crank and I'm sure as hell not going to, so it looks like the bike is going back to Amazon. I was actually really peeved when I went to City Bikes and found that they had two folding bikes after all. I guess when I get my prepaid return label and ship it back to Amazon, I'll have to go give the two folding bikes they have there a try. (That will make me feel better because I'll support my local bike store and get me some free service at the same time!) And if I don't like those, I might actually call Spokes Etc... instead of just checking their website. Hrm... now I have to figure out what to do with my b-day present from pucksraven and co (thanks again y'all!), since that got applied to the bike (which was also a present to stentoriansista since we could have gone on bike rides together... if said bike had actually worked properly. Bitches)

Also... the book I read last night? I am so embarrassed to admit it, but... Twilight. OMFG. OMFG. I just... wow. Y'all? Wow. I spent the first 100 pages annoyed by the bad writing, the second hundred pages annoyed at Bella, the third hundred pages annoyed being annoyed by the 'we've spent 5 minutes together but now we are TOTALLY AND IRREVOCABLY IN LURRRRRVE!' aspect and the last eighty pages being annoyed by the "plot" and the last twenty pages just going O_o. I'm trying to find Cleolinda's review of the book, because she totally nails it. (Ha! Found it!) It's just... this is a female role model? Not a Mary Sue? Really? She goes from being shy and unnoticed to beloved by all the guys and befriended by all the girls but she must truly be with her one true vampiric love? WHO WATCHES HER IN HER SLEEP AND SHE'S OKAY WITH THAT?! And she's horrendously clumsy, which is somehow adorable, because heaven forbid a woman can be capable. And he loves her because he can't read her mind and she smells good? And she is intoxicated by the scent of his breath?!?! And then suddenly Bella wants to be a vampire after fighting like hell not to be? And is all 'turn me turn me turn me! OMFG I WANT IT SO HARD!' Dude, you've known him five minutes. You don't love him, you want to jump his bones. Give it a year and Mr. Sparklepants will probably get tired of you. Or you'll decide you want a boyfriend who wears less eyeliner than you do.

I finished the book and giggled like a madwoman because it was Just. That. Silly. It's not absolutely, horrendously and horribly horrible, it's a cotton candy read. I will, of course, start the next one tonight.

Also, Edward is a douche. I mean, that's okay, Bella is a blithering idiot, so it works out. Also, if you've read the books, read this and then this.

books, life: the recap, wtf mate?, consumer whore, movies

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