Dear Metro, I Hate You, Please Die.

Jul 28, 2008 09:24

Just sent to metro via's customer comment page

Why why why why WHY did you shut down one of the escalators for maintenance at EIGHT O'CLOCK ON A MONDAY MORNING?!?! It took me 10 minutes to leave the station this morning. There was a crowd of people (easily a 100) trying to navigate their way up one (non-functional) escalator, while the middle escalator was shut down and blocked off with one maintenance man just kind of sitting around not doing much. Foggy Bottom station still isn't air conditioned, so we got to broil while we shuffled slowly forward for 10 minutes. The other escalator worked... going down, so we got to watch maybe 10 people saunter down the escalator while we tried to press forward. Several people were late and desperate enough to try walking up the down escalator.

When at last victory was at hand and I started making my way up the stairs towards freedom, the same metro maintenance man told us we were walking up the stairs too quickly and we had to slow down.

I arrived at work 5 minutes late, sweating and pissed off, instead of 15 minutes early like I'd planned. Thanks a fucking lot, metro. I don't mind you screwing up my commute for reasons that make sense (track maintenance, issues with rail cars, traffic, and recently, when the bus I was on hit a car and made us all disembark and seek alternate means of transit), but this is just ridiculous. If you're going to close an escalator for much needed service, can you at least wait until rush hour is over?!

wtf mate?, open letters

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