Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Day 2

Jan 03, 2013 15:32

Day 2
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

Remember that by fanwork, we are talking about: all forms of creativity. From meta to fic writing to picspamming to hosting a comment-fic-meme to running a challenge, to vidding and podficcing and reccing and pretty much anything you can think of. Crafts, knitted items, repurposed rubber duckies, finger puppets. Pimping posts. Guides to timelines, tattoos, quotes, nit-picky canon guides, episode recaps, synopses, beta work. If you think it's creative, then it definitely fits under the heading "fanwork."

Last year, I did a variety of recs.

This time around I'm going to go for "fanworks other than stories".

1) "Changeling"
Podfic read by Blue Yeti
story by Lydia Bennet
Original story at
Fred wants a dog more than anything, and he'll do anything to get one. Anything at all.

The reading captures the original story very well, and the story itself is... hard to describe. A combination of adorable and creepy.

2) "Marching On" (Harry Potter)
vid by dazzleme7

This captures the friendship and determination of the Trio all through the series, when things go right and when things go wrong. It also has cameos from people like the Twins, Luna and Neville.
It works so well! One of my utter favourite HP vids.

3) "Suzanne" (Doctor Who)
vid by such_heights
"It's always you and her, isn't it? Long after the rest of us have gone. The boy and his box, off to see the universe."

Absolutely lovely multi-era vid about the long-term love between the Doctor and his TARDIS.
In my heart, her name is now Sexy Idris Suzanne TARDIS.

4) "I Can Do Anything Better Than You // Sherlock vs. The Doctor" (Sherlock/Doctor Who)
vid by Liisake

Amazingly edited to have an argument-by-song between Sherlock and the 11th Doctor. Pure fun.

This entry was originally posted at (Comments
) Respond here, or respond on the Dreamwidth post, as you prefer. You can use your DW login or OpenId there.

, podfic, fandom:sherlock, fandom:harry potter, fandom snowflake, vids, fandom:drwho

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