Doctor Who 7x06: The Snowmen

Dec 29, 2012 21:40

Intriguing. Lots of cool bits. Some slightly annoying bits.

Slightly annoying bits: (doing this first so as to end on a happy note)

* is it a requirement that the New Who Doctor kiss ALL his female companions?
* Lady Vastra and Jenny are married? Under whose laws? Though I'm sure that many fans rejoice at this.
* The fact that there are two characters in New Who called "Jenny" and neither of them have surnames, and thus there is no way of distinguishing between them. I might have to start calling this Jenny "Jenny Vastra" - well, since they are apparently married.
* "The Great Detective is... a woman." What? No remarks about the scaly face?
* What was all that about "this is not wine"? Was it supposed to be blood? What do Silurians eat, anyway? Has it ever been mentioned?

Cool bits:

* webcast Doctor plays Villain
* Clara - persistent, observant, clever, spunky, cheeky. (Don't think she will be a favourite companion of mine, too much cheeky smartass, but I still like her)
* it's interesting; I think I will have to revise my initial conclusion that Dalek-Oswin-Oswald wasn't already brilliant before she was Dalekized, because I had assumed that her profession indicated her cleverness, but here we have an example of a Clara who defies the stereotypes of "position", and who's to say that hadn't also been the case with the Dalekized-Oswin-Oswald, the-former-entertainer? My bad.
* The idea of one-word answers to Lady Vastra's questions.
* And the "touché" moment when Clara answered Vastra with "words".
* The inadvertent resonance of the answer "pond". (I wonder how long the Doctor had been sulking on a cloud? Why isn't River Song there?)
* silly Sontaran comic relief (though I personally think it might not have been a bad idea to blow up the pond at the start... except perhaps the grenade in question would have blown up the house, too)
* "Do not attempt to escape! May I take your coat?"
* The way the Doctor looked at his hand as if it had betrayed him, when he agreed to go up to see Clara.
* I liked how the Doctor was clever with the "I will give you this box" thing; even though we'd been introduced to the Memory Worm at the start, I didn't see it coming.
* double-cowabanga because the clever thing didn't work, and indeed backfired, and I didn't see that coming either.
* tears fall like rain - a case of love and sorrow winning the day, in a way that wasn't sentimental twaddle. Yes.
* the Mystery of Clara Oswin Oswald (ah, good point, he didn't see her face) - but I hope this doesn't mean that he's going to keep on finding her and she's going to keep on dying; that would suck. Twice is bad enough. However, the preview gives me hope, since there's a reference to "the woman who died twice", so it sounds like it isn't going to be more than twice. Unless she dies when she leaves, which is not at all improbable, but not going to happen that soon. I expect that this Mystery will be the arc of the second half of season 7.
* the origins of the Great Intelligence! (recurring enemy of the 2nd Doctor)
* new TARDIS console room - spiffing!

Now to go and read other people's reactions!

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