Fandom Snowflake Challenge: Day 3

Jan 04, 2013 08:30

Day 3

Comment to someone you haven't ever interacted with before or introduce yourself to someone you've interacted with and friend/follow them. Afterwards, leave a comment in this post with the equivalent of "I did it!"

Some of you have been checking out other participant's recs and self-recs from the Day 1 and Day 2 posts. If you've interacted with anyone new, you can absolutely count that for Day 3!

And indeed, I have interacted with folks Day 1 and Day 2 posts, as I went through discovering some cool recs. (Tolkien fan) (Labyrinth fan)

I'm pondering whether to friend anyone, but inclined not to, since I've added a bunch of new peeps in the last year due to the sshg_exchange and sshg_newbies (waves to my SSHG friends).

(In other news, I'm awaiting the repairman to fix my one-room air conditioner... on a day which has a predicted top of 41C! I booked the repairman last week, today was the soonest one could come. And not a moment too soon!)

This entry was originally posted at (Comments
) Respond here, or respond on the Dreamwidth post, as you prefer. You can use your DW login or OpenId there.

, fandom snowflake

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